Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Strawberry Banana Bread

Strawberry season isn't quite over yet. Seriously, it isn't. The girls and the little boys went out yesterday and got another 4 baskets of berries, around 30 pounds of the lovely crimson gems. Our food delivery also arrived yesterday, which included a case of bananas. No, I am not completely insane for buying a case of bananas. The 40 pound case of bananas only sets me back $20, everyone can eat them to their hearts' content, and if there are any left after eating and baking, they can be frozen for further use. Seems like the ultimate good deal to me. Anyway, back to the baking part...


1 stick butter or margarine
1 cup greek yogurt
4 eggs
3 cups flour
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar

2 tsp salt
2 tsp baking soda
3 bananas, cut in chunks
1 cup walnuts, chopped
1 cup sliced strawberries

Cream the butter and sugars until light; add the eggs one at a time, beating until well mixed. Add the bananas. Mix together the flour, soda and salt, and add half of the dry mix, followed by half of the yogurt, then the balance of each. Beat until well combined, then fold in the nuts and strawberries. Pour into 2 greased loaf pans, and bake 50 to 65 minutes, or until done. Makes 2 loaves.

And since both were gone by the time I got up at 9 this morning, I'd say that my sons liked them. Since the sons were not up when I got up, they'd say it was 3AM kitchen raiders who ate the bread.


The Blonde Duck said...

Everyone should have a case of bananas.

Ann Made Studio said...

Now that is a great mix of fruit. I never thought of putting strawberries in banana bread.
Guess what I'm going to do right now?
Thanks for sharing this recipe.

Christo Gonzales said...

I think me an pooh would agree - toast me a slice and put some honey on it please

Anonymous said...

Wow! Bread looks yummy. I'd buy 40# of bananas if I could get them for $20. I just paid $0.89 a pound! geeze. g

Anonymous said...

That bread looks yummy. Thank you for sharing your recipe.

Thank you for wanting to help me with gluten free recipes.

Is there any way of giving you my email address without the whole world seeing it?

My husband is extremely security conscious.

Sabina x (Australia)

Paula said...

Oh my gosh! You are having a fruit extravaganza! Acutally, sliced fresh strawberries AND bananas with some fresh cream on top sounds so sweet, refreshing, and yummy to me! My only hesitation with the case of bananas would be if there were any spiders in there. I'm so wimpy I'd make my hubby unload the case! Glad you are still able to get strawberries. I have one lonely pint in my kitchen right now, but there are lots more on my plants (provided a critter doesn't get them first). I love how you put Greek yogurt in your bread. I've no doubt that your big boys ate them ... did they slice it first or each take a large chunk? :-)

pam said...

I remember when my girls were home, food would just disappear. I never heard, nor saw, them eat it, it just vanished.

SissySees said...

I will be baking and making ice cream over the weekend. Honestly, if the Knight ever happens upon your blog, I'm in big trouble... ;)

Sue said...

That sounds so good. I have to make some for breakfast tomorrow.

noble pig said...

I love this bread idea, it's such a perfect combination of yum. I think a case is also a great idea with all those hungry mouths over there!

grace said...

the strawberry-banana flavor combination is a favorite, and i think in a bread, it would reach its peak. i love the nuts too. if bananas didn't ripen so quickly, i'd get 40-pound case for myself. :)