The left bed. Note the spinach at the left side; it's finally looking like something. Trust me, for a couple of weeks it's looked a lot like renegade grass. There's mesclun mix to the right of the spinach, and things which are supposed to become squash, zucchini and cucumber. The real farmers are just as cranky as I about the weather and lack of growth in the plants.
The right bed. That black seeded Simpson lettuce just keeps growing. I keep taking leaves off the bottoms of the plants, so they have short stalks there, but the leaves keep coming. They're great in tacos, sandwiches, on a plate, whatever. The guinea pigs haven't had any. The arugula is coming in next to it, and I'm still waiting for any real tomato progress. The onions are growing; following Paula's suggestion, I have yanked a couple of them to use in food. And the carrots! I pulled one to make sure they were OK, and while it was only about 3" long, it was delectable. I didn't share.
And look! My red leaf lettuce finally looks like something other than brown weeds!
How are your gardens growing? Happy Tuesday!
Awesome! MJ has one nearly-ready cherry 'mater out front (here at the office), and that's it.
It's so green!
Lookin' great, Marjie! That lettuce looks amazing. I just harvested my first bunch, and was so pleased with the flavor. Your onions have gotten really tall; mine are still wimpy. Summer's heat is supposed to arrive tomorrow! Finally!
All we have is basil and chives- but it is doing well!
Marjie that lettuce looks amazing! I may try to grow some next year, you have inspired me!
Looks great! Yummy, fresh is best! I'm almost getting red cherry tomatoes..couple more days. Hopefully some strawberries soon so long as the squirrels stay away! next year I'm having a big garden!!:)
This is awesome! I am so going to do this once we get settled in KY! Thank you for your advice!
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