One last Christmas note: One of the boys found a box of dog cookies with Thor's picture on it, and just had to get them for Thor. Now, my giant dog prefers the little cookies, which are bite sized, but as you can see from this picture, he was very grateful to his "brother".
We got about 3" of snow between 9 last night and 3AM. The crabapple tree just outside my kitchen certainly is pretty with the snow hanging on it!
For New Year's Eve, we always stay in with the kids. No drunk drivers can ram into us if we're safely in our house, and I'd much rather reflect on the year that was with my little world all around me.
My oldest son got a PhD in Economics and went to work for one of the major financial firms.
My second son is still trying to figure out how to not flunk out of college (he has always been an underachiever).
My third son transferred colleges, so he could room with his oldest brother, and start trying to build houses (poor timing, maybe....)
My oldest daughter clinched her ability to graduate in May, after only 3 years, and applied to a number of law schools.
My fourth son made strides toward graduating from college in less than 4 years.
My second daughter graduated from High School and made splendid grades her first semester in college.
My third daughter is doing wonderfully in high school.
My little boys always make me laugh, and are learning astonishing amounts with Calvert School.
A cousin I haven't seen since 1977 called me this year. Wahoo! I have family! (In Utah.)
Business was reasonable. No major tragedies in life.
I hope everyone else can make equally happy statements.
Happy New Year to one and all!
What a great summary! Don't forget to add the three children from Oregon you will be henceforth raising so they, too, can also turn out marvelous (even more than they already are!)! Happy New Year! Paula
PS: Per Tessa's instructions, we baked 4 different kinds of dog treats/biscuits and delivered them to the human society on the 26th. We gave some to the neighbor's doggies and Miss Tess commented that she wished Thor could have some, too. Now I can tell her that not only did he have treats, he had his likeness on the bag!
Continued success, health and happiness to your family! <3
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