Good and Bad Weekend
Jeff, Cass and Kellie came home Friday night, to great celebration, fanfare and hoopla. Being from this family means very enthusiastic greetings, and I'm exceedingly proud that all of my children are best friends. Thor, of course, is delirious with joy.
Sadly, on Saturday, Rusty the Guinea Pig died.
My little boys were, of course, very saddened by this, as were the girls. Patrick and Jeff were wonderful in helping to lay the poor little critter to rest. The surviving piggie, Cinnamon, is heartbroken. He's never been an only pig. Someone has had him out of his cage nearly continuously, because otherwise he mopes in a corner. I've not heard him squeak once since his buddy died. The little boys are doing their best to console him.
Hopefully, I'll get my week's menus posted later today, and Thanksgiving tomorrow. Then it's off to the loony bin as I race around here cooking like crazy. See you all later!
oh that is so sad about the guinea pig...I'm sorry :o(
big bummer on the guinea pig!
Sorry to hear about Rusty - glad that the college kids are helping the young ones deal. g
oh, no, that's the worst part of having pets...
aww--RIP Rusty.
Very sorry about Rusty. Hopefully, his companion will come around with the extra TLC...
RIP Rusty...
Oh, I'm so sorry. When my daughter's guinea pig, Popcorn, died, we all cried. I feel so sorry for the lonely one left.
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