I should never have let the fool go to the pumpkin patch party in the drizzle. Thankfully, we have our faithful companion to keep any eye on Ryan.
Happy Thorsday, everyone! I hope your faithful companions, canine and feline alike, are taking such good care of you!
What a handsome, kind nurse!! My dogs have always had great bedside manners when I'm ailing.
Dos know when you're sad or sick...
Mastiffs are the most awesome nursies ever! We give great cuddles.
A faithful companion with a toy could only help you get better sooner! I hope Ryan is on the mend!
Darling Thor knows just where to be when one of his humans is unwell, especially when the unwell one is one of Thor's special boys.
Sincerely hope Ryan is feeling better now. If you're still not feeling great, Ryan, do try some more Thor hugs and huggles while you rest up some more. I send much Mickle care and Zebbycat snuggles
New Zealand and NEPA are just a bit too far apart for me to feed you (so as to give your dear Mom a break, hope you realise just how amazing your lovely Mom is)
Don't our furbabies make good nurse maids! Hope he gets well soon! Hugs Thor!
I think Thor can make anyone feel better - he's so sweet.
Hope your little one is on the mend soon.
Yea for a Faithful Companion - we all need one - don't we?
I love Thor!
That's adorable, Marjie. I do hope Ryan is feeling better. Darn this weather!!!
Cuddling with a pup always makes me feel better. Thor is such a sweetie.
Oh help! Mango is such an idiot sometimes. He totally doesn't recognize me if I am carrying a shovel or pushing a wheelbarrow and now he is convinced that the cone is moving about on its own and invading his territory. Dexter is understandably terrified. Bad enough that he is stoned, most likely in a bit of pain, and has a cone on his head without having a 230 pound monster going cracker dog on him. I sure hope tomorrow is better.
Mango Momma
What a great nurse companion. Isn't it amazing how they sympathize with us when we are sick and they have much more patience too. Hope Thor's boy is better soon!!
I hope he feels better soon!
Thor is such a sweetie!
Our doggies are such a comfort when we're sick. Looks like Ryan appreciates Thor's TLC. Hope Ryan's better soon!
How sweet is it! I really hope Ryan is feeling better now!
love, Thor
I'm a firm believer that our pets not only recognize when we are sick, but that they also provide comfort to help us get better. I've no doubt that Thor knows his boy is under the weather. Hope Ryan got in some extra rest today. Once again, too bad we don't live closer. Both of our sickies could commiserate together. Hope you are staying healthy.
Get well soon Ryan! You take good care of him now Thor ! Happy weekend!
With a protector like that I'm sure Ryan will be feeling better in no time.
I absolutely believe that my Alex knows when I'm sick or down with a migraine. She's a cuddlebug anyway, but then, she'll snuggle in and not move til I do.
Glad Thor's there for Ryan & hope Ryan is up and about soon.
Aww--hope he feels better soon! Glad that Thor is there to keep him company :)
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