Anyway, with all those sickos in the house, chicken soup was a very obvious choice. You could do this in your crock pot, although I don't have one for two reasons: first, it occupies more counter space, and, second, they don't come in the 3 gallon size. Now, granted, I only made 2 gallons of soup here, but with everyone home? 3 gallons really doesn't cut it. The joys of a huge household!
Fair warning: You will be drooling during the four hours this simmers. You've been notified; please don't blame me!
8 chicken wings
12 cups water
1 large onion, coarsely chopped
3 ribs celery, chopped
3 carrots, chopped
2 medium potatoes, shredded
2 medium sweet potatoes, shredded
1/2 to 3/4 cup barley
1 to 2 tsp salt
Put the water, wings, onion, celery and carrots in the pan, and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, and cook 2 hours. Add the shredded potatoes and sweet potatoes, and simmer another hour. Add the barley, and simmer another hour. Use tongs to fish out the bones, skin (which will by and large float to the surface) and cartilage. The potatoes and sweet potatoes virtually dissolve during their long simmering time, so no one should whine about potatoes not belonging in chicken soup. Serve with a nice crusty bread.
With only 5 people home this weekend, I had exactly 1-3/4 cups of this soup left. Yes, it's that good. Here's a closer look !
I would have had that 1 and 3/4 cups late when know one was awake - what a great soup
Well, that ought to fix your sweeties right up!
ah yes.. nothing like chicken soup... aka " our Jewish medicine"! :) Works every time
Another of your recipes I look forward to trying.
Chicken soup is the best. I bet this made your sick one feel much better!
I am so sorry to hear that Ryan relapsed. I'm hoping Ryan and Patrick are well soon and that the bug doesn't catch you!
The simplicity of the soup really has me wanting to make this and nothing is more comforting than a good chicken soup. Also, I'm looking forward to drooling! ;-)
You've done it again - this looks delicious, then I read the recipe and know it IS delicious. Of course way smaller quantities when I'm feeding just me!
(Gluten free very easy - no barley, but could always be replaced with rice or quinoa in the last 1/2 or full hour)
Fully agree that the aroma would drive both self and Zebby crazy while it cooked. And would be a super YUMMO treat even when we are well. Dear Marjie - super huggles earned with this one!!!
Yum--I love that you added barley to this. I think chicken soup will be on the lunch menu for next week. Tavo is working through a crockpot full of beef stew this week ;)
I was just contemplating buying one of those duo crockpots I saw the other day in Target. However, you're so right, way to much counter space especially since I already have two separate ones although, I don't think I've ever made chicken soup in either:)
Sorry to hear Ryan had a relapse and Patrick has a case of the horsies. (That's what I use to call it when my kids were little:) Chicken soup is indeed good for the soul and all other ills...hope everyone is feeling better real soon.
Love the addition of sweet potatoes in the soup. All the more vitamins. Thanks for sharing, Marjie. Stay well...
Sounds delish!
I'm in for a bowl! Will cook for other people's food!
four hours!? i don't know if i have the patience for that--i like me some instant gratification. :)
great soup, marjie--ain't no thang like a chicken wang!
This sounds delicious! Never thought to put sweet potato in chicken soup, but now I will try it.
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