I don't do a lot of cooking out of cans or boxes. Let's face it, cans are usually designed to feed 2 or 3 people (other than the giant #10 cans, which is the size I buy for canned fruit), so I could get myself a nice case of carpal tunnel syndrome opening 4 or 5 cans for one meal. The exceptions are tomato paste, diced tomatoes and canned pie filling. This recipe uses the one you'd think most unlikely to live in my pantry, the canned pie filling (you remember me, the crust-phobic one, right?).
1 can pie filling (any fruit flavor)
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp butter, softened
1 egg
Scoop the pie filling out of the can into a baking dish (I use the one that's about 7" x 10"). In a 2 cup measuring cup, combine the dry crust ingredients. Stir in the butter and egg until well combined. Drop on top of the pie filling by tablespoonsful. It won't cover the whole top, but it thins out and spreads out. Bake at 375F for about 40 minutes, or until the crust is lightly browned. Serve with whipped cream (home made or store bought), ice cream or both!
Here's one last drool inducing look. Don't blame me for the slobber on your monitor.
perfect - I am making many versions of this - and I wont tell!
I love how you mixed this in a measuring cup! Cobbler is awesome ~ haven't had it for ages. I adore how the gooey filling mingles with the topping. I need to breakdown and figure out how to make gluten free traditional crusts. I've got the recipe, just not the drive. Looking at these photos makes me want to give it a go. I love your china, too! :-)
Absolutely perfect! This is the kind of baking recipe that I love!
Now I just need a good 8 friends to ensure I don't eat myself silly :)
I love all things sweet, simple, and feeding many. These are good for band practice and pot lucks! Gracias.
Yum cobbler. Just dropped by to say Hi before the party this weekend. Have a GREAT weekend Marjie. "See ya" soon:)
Mmmm - easy, comforting and yummy. The boys must adore these sort of desserts as it gets colder up there. I'd happily eat them too, as long as the fruit isn't peaches (ick).
(Paula - try replacing the flour and baking powder with something like Orgran's Buckwheat Pancake mix or use their flour mix and include the baking powder. Both mixes are gluten free.)
Whipped cream is like the duct tape of cooking- it always works!
Yum!! MJ loves cobblers, so I'll have to give this a try.
You now owe me some Windex.
That's all I'm sayin'...
And guess what I have in the cupboard! Canned pie fillings, galore! Yippee!!!
canned pie filling is darn tasty, there's no denying that. particularly with a lovely topping such as this. and some frothy whipped cream. good stuff indeed!
With a Diet Coke so I can get more.....cobbler.
Ooh, that looks delicious! I love pies - any kind!!
Love this easy-to-make cobbler! And to use any fruit you want. Great idea. Think I will put ice cream on mine!
How easy is this! Easy baking is always a nice reprieve.
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