Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thor's Shopping Trip

Once again, it's Christmas season, and time for Thor's annual shopping trip. Yes, he's gone to Petsmart once or twice, but he's confused by the very small animals hanging around - Thor only has two guinea pigs, after all, and no one puts them on a leash - and evidently some animals are, ahem, less than mannerly in the store, which upsets Thor.

But he does like to go to the tree farm.

Thor gets really excited when we get his harness out for him. Yes, folks, it's a pony harness. What else would a dog wear?

There was a lot of inspecting of trees to be done, along with visiting the reindeer to remind them who's the superior being. One large WOOF suffices for this. Note: It was raining out, and there was no way I was tromping around outside, in the rain. I stayed in the barn.
It's really good to visit a retail establishment where the employees unders
tand that they must truly communicate with the customers. This guy has two Saint Bernards, and evidently speaks fluent Big Dog.

While Thor's hind end has to be lifted into the 4WD Suburban, he hops right out. Hey, no laughing. He may be a big dog, but the floor of that car is a good 3" above the top of my knee. And a guy with a bum back leg needs a little help now and again.
In the end, the joke was on poor Mark, whose brothers convinced him he had to hold the bundled tree upright in the family room until they got the stand, so the branches wouldn't get wrinkled.

Yes, you have permission to try to pull this off on one of your family members.

Happy Dogs on Thursday!


SissySees said...

Great photos! Thor is such a gentleman... I fear I'll have to stop reading your blog now that Gretchen is nearly full-grown. Thor is a fine argument for a house pony...

Paula said...

Looks like Thor had a great time! Two St. Bernard's!! Wow! Hey, has Thor ever met a doggie as big as him? Poor Mark - the joys of being the youngest are without number! Ha! Glad everyone was able to get out, even in the rain, and take Thor to pick out the tree! Fun stuff!

Anonymous said...

I love Thor! I love that you can take him to help pick out the tree he can woof at reindeer and everything. Mine would be the misbehaved dogs Thor has no tolerance for. g

Pam said...

Love this post Marjie. You know how I feel about Thor...irresistible.

Poor Mark - I was the youngest too...My sisters still pull pranks on me.

Breezy Point Mom said...

I heartily enjoyed reading, and seeing, this post. Strangers must be so amazed at Thor and his good manners. Heck, any other dog that big might have chomped some of the cookies at the counter there. I would love to hear his big bark some day. And I loved hearing about your real Christmas tree - we haven't had one of those in so many years. Have a blessed week before Christmas!

CraftRage said...

That dog is the ninth wonder of the world! I LOVE big dogs!

Ann Made Studio said...

What a great way for a dog...and family to spend a day. (Thor is such a big dog! My little Bradley(poodle) would think he "was" a horse :)

veedogknitter said...

Thor is a lovely pony! he looks like he had a wonderful time!

Linda said...

I think that would be fun to take the dog shopping! Does he spend his own money:)

The Blonde Duck said...

That's so funny! Thor looks so thrilled!

monica said...

Wonderful post, great photos and gorgeous dog ! I think your life and familiy sound absolutely wonderful - I would love to be a fly on your wall !

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

How wonderful. All I know is if I worked at Petsmart, Thor could have anything he wanted.

Anette said...

I think Thor has the lovely life he deserves! In the center of a big family!

pam said...

Lucky Thor! You can tell he had fun! Poor Mark, how funny!