Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thor's Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving week, Thor got a new half femur.He kept Larry the Lobster close even as he enjoyed his new bone.

Within 3 days, there was virtually nothing left of the bone.

And this picture, boys and girls, is why a big dog can never be allowed to eat from the table, and the gents at the table must be verbally assaulted for feeding them from the table.
Thankfully, Thor just comes to visit, or get hugs.


SissySees said...

I think I'll not update my blog roll. Now that the Knight is stopping in more often on my blog, I just can't risk that he'll find your blog and Thor. We're not ready for a house pony, and I'm also sure that with our wild doggy karma, we wouldn't attract a gentle giant.

You've seen some of the Beethoven movies, I'm sure? ;)

vegasangelbrat said...

Oh he's just a happy camper with that bone!
He's happy with just his hugs or pets, after all he doesn't need a chiar to
Happy DoT!

Anonymous said...

Love that picture! He is such a doll and so well mannered - Beau & Lucy would just put their heads right on the table!

I'm glad Larry didn't get left out of the holiday goodness. g

Pam said...

Oh Thor. I can't believe how tall he is standing next to the girls at the table. What a big beautiful boy!

grace said...

"thor got a new half femur"--that's not something you hear every day. :)

The Blonde Duck said...

Holy crap. He's so tall! Ilove the lobster picture.

A Blog In The Rough said...

How cute, I love seeing dogs really getting into their treats, coz otherwise in my home they lay around I inevitably step on them, ouch!

Anette said...

Ahh, bless him! I love the photos of him with his lobster! Our dog, she's only 6 kg, and her favorite friend is a blue monkey more than twice the sice of her. She's had him all her life (6,5 years), and funny enough he is still kind of in one part. (had some surgery but still..) balding but still going strong. Its true love!!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

He's almost as tall as I am! Believe me I wouldn't stop if he decided to help himself - lol

Greg C said...

Looks like Thor has thanksgiving every day. Man is he big.

Anonymous said...

Oh he soooooo wants to lick that plate.

monica said...

Thor is absolutely adorable - I can just imagine how soothing it must be to hug and cuddle him. Iam looking sooo much forward to get my own "giant"..

Paula said...

Boy is he a wonderful dog!
I love the size of his Thanksgiving femur! LOL!