Dogs Do Not Sit on my Furniture!
There is a playroom in my house, in which the kids can make all the mess they want, and I don't go there and get upset. In it, there's a pool table for the kids, shelves for toys and games, and a love seat with 2 sofas for them to use. The sofa set is cheap, covered in sturdy brown fabric, and will take sitting, bouncing, wrestling, whatever. But no dogs on my furniture.
This dog is not sitting on a sofa.
He knows it is not permitted for any reason.
See? His front feet are on the floor. He just fell over onto the sofa. He isn't really sitting there.
God help him if he sits on the white furniture in my living room. He'll learn how nasty it can be to live on the porch, even an enclosed porch.
I'm sure he was just backing up and the sofa got in the way.
He was just doing some stretching exercises and the sofa slipped?
(Ironically, the word verification is "story".)
That is too funny. It's reminds me of "Turner and Hootch" This is not your room. I'm sure something happened and you just don't know the back story. g
I really don't think that's the dog. I think you work way too hars and you're hallucinating. ;-)
Too funny Marjie - you DO know they practice those faces when we're not around, right ? You know, the ones that say "who, me ?" and (as they look up, down, everywhere but at you) "she can't POSSIBLY be frowning at ME ! I'm not doing anything wrong !
THEN we have to factor in the cuteness factor, lord help us. LOL
You are a strong woman Marjie, I bet Thor would have me wrapped around his paw in no time and would be on my couch and sleeping at the foot of my bed. He is just too darn cute.
Okay ... love that your son is reading in the background! How cool that the kids (both two legged and four legged) have a special spot to just hang out. You crack me up ... no way to I believe that you'd banish Thor to the porch! Oh he'd probably get a verbal lecture on the consequences of his actions ... but I bet he'd win you over with that sweet face of his! Actually, I'm impressed that he was able to get up there with his hips! Or maybe he just backed up to it!
LOL! Oh poor Thor, it is hard to sit down when the furniture keeps getting in the way!
I always say... its their home too! lol :)
Oh Sure!!
Thanks for the smile.
Please, not the Porch!!
Give him a break, OK?
9 kids?!
You are one brave woman.
I'm thinkin' you must have a load of stories to share! LOL
I'm with Thor. I think having his front feet on the floor makes it all okay! Just look at that innocent face.
Ohhh, he looks so innocent!! What an angel!
Isn't there a boarding house rule that states something about one foot on the floor?? That dog is NO dummy!
Oh they are sneaky aren't they? I would love to put a camera in my house to see what Charli does when we aren't home. LOL. Cute pictures!
Nope, he is totally not sitting there..AT ALL!
In my house the cats permit 'me' to sit on the furniture, not the other way around.
I would not want to mess with you!
Oh just the way Thor sort of avoids eye contact:o) " who is somewhere they shouldn't be? I know nothing about this - as always and forever I'm innocent"
I love how he's poised to leave in case you catch him sitting on the sofa, lol.
You know, in the dog world, if they sit real still and avoid eye contact, you can't see them. It works for Snoopy all the time.
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