Friday, December 5, 2008

I'm Really Lucky

.....because my oven's element came in yesterday, got installed yesterday, and cooked last night. Of course, it was fish, a reprise of the meal during which the fool thing broke! I like to drizzle olive oil over a fish filet, and sprinkle it with a bit of sea salt and plenty of fresh ground pepper. It can then be served with a white sauce, or melted butter, or whatever I feel like!

Because Cathy and others have asked, my kitchen was pretty much perfect when I moved in. The cupboards were built in 1928, and I swear I could stack all of my sons in the uppers and they'd stay on the walls! I know I've put 300+ pounds of flour, potatoes and other wondrous ingredients in one 5' stretch at a time, and it doesn't even creak. I found one fridge and a big cupboard built in 1955 or so when we got here, along with 2 under-bar sized fridges when we got here; we had a carpenter carefully disassemble that cupboard so we could fit 2 full sized refrigerators. Trust me, they get plenty of use. We still have one little fridge, near the breakfast room table, and it holds milk and water for meals. We also have 2 stoves and 3 dishwashers (one in the breakfast room). Here are some of my favorite elements of the kitchen, all built from oak and maple in 1928:

The round cupboard and counter. How cool is it that someone actually bent the wood for these doors? (That carpenter resurfaced the counters when we put in all of our new appliances in 1989).

This cupboard has 2 box drawers, one of which is a bread drawer, with a metal liner and seal! I store sugars and similar things in it, to keep them fresh.

How about this one? The shelves roll out so you can actually find the stuff at the bottom, without sitting on the floor and twisting yourself at a funky angle, risking getting stuck at said funky angle!

And here's the view out my kitchen window (complete with 2 of my sons' vehicles). The windows are filthy outside, and, trust me, if I was ever inclined to wash the outsides of windows, that day never occurred when it was 28 degrees outside!
Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend. I'm working on getting eggnog ice cream right (Lori, you'll want to know this), and will tell you about it in a few days!


Christo Gonzales said...

your home looks so warm and inviting....and the curved wood is something to be marveled at - I just wonder what you meant by "the skinny one admitted to 4 bills"

Anonymous said...

Now it all makes sense. Love the rounded cabinets, that's art.

Anonymous said...

Love your kitchen. The stoves are mirror imaged on either side of the sink. You must not need to use both of them most of the time now - with most of the kids in school. g

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

I love the curved cabinets too, they are so unique. You are lucky Margie, you have a warm, loving family; yoou're one of the few that doesn't take that for granted.

Greg C said...

Your kitchen is huge compared to mine. Ours is tiny and only one person can work in there at a time.

grace said...

lovely kitchen, and my favorite part of all is the curved cabinet--awesome! and eggnog ice cream? hurry up!! :)

Pam said...

I love your kitchen. You have such a cozy home Marjie. The rounded cabinets are so nice.

The Blonde Duck said...

Two ovens, two fridges, two dishwashers...why not two kitchens!

Paula said...

Beautiful kitchen!
They sure knew how to build things to last back then!