In round one of this set of storms, we only got about 3" of snow, according to my 11 year old weather reporter. That brings the total on the ground to 10", according to the same reporter. He's very handy, being willing to wander around in the snow and all.
This blue spruce really does look pretty in the snow, even though I wouldn't venture beyond my back step, and so had to zoom through the cherry tree to take the picture!
Here's hoping the second storm brings only the 2" to 4" of snow predicted, and not the 1/2" of ice that's supposed to follow the snow!
You are certainly getting dumped upon with the snow. My favorite part of the photo? The tomato cages in the foregound :) g
I get to be in snow in March up in Wyoming, being a florida/CA girl I am super excited.
wowee we are kinda jealous you get all that white stuff
loves and licks xxx
Sending no ice thoughts your way!
Glad to see that you're prepared for the weather, too. I won't get caught unready like last time. Then I had eight non-housebroken puppies living in the kitchen and my arm in a cast from a broken wrist. After twelve days, I was ready to pull my hair out.
Yes, today is another birthday.
Looks like you're about to get more in the next couple of days.
I plan on writing a sternly worded letter to the guy who turned off spring. I'm severely hacked off.
What's up with this weird weather? Flooding in Queensland, now cyclones due to devastate the same parts that were flooding last month, snow all over the midwest of the US, and my son running around in short sleeves in N. California, when he should be digging his cars out of the snow...
I'm with you. Stay inside, and let the "weather reporter" deal with getting his feet cold and wet!
Oh, but it's so beeeeutyful.
I hope you get snow instead of ice! Stay warm.
Very pretty back yard!
We are suppose to be getting more snow...a storm maybe..I am soooo hoping for a snow day ...I really want extra time at home with my Grandson :))))
This has definitely been one wicked Winter. Living in Florida, I have only experienced the cold without the snow. I think Florida needs a snow day too :-)
Lovely photos. You are right, the spruce is beautiful.
We're keeping paws and fingers crossed for no ice.
wooooow what a snow!!!
El'bow & Hauwii
I sure could use an eleven year old weather reporter by me. I have no idea how much snow is in my back yard. I did manage to get some bird seed in the feeders but that was inches ago.
And yes, we did get a shiny coating of ice here in Central PA last night:( UG.
Thank goodness Phil saw his shadow, sigh...
It really looks sooooo cold, it is now time spring decided to arrive, I have had enough, sure Thor has as well. Diane
It looks so pretty in pictures doesn't it? I type this as I hear some car stuck out on the road not too far from our house... sigh.
....but it's pretty.....and oh so clean looking. Stay warm.
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