I was chosen to judge the Good Old Boys/Gals category. Since there's no better Good Ol' Dog than a Mastiff, this was a perfect fit. And I found many wonderful contestants. There were dogs who are in service to others, dogs with farm animals, rabbits, and cats, and one Good Ol' Gal who is disliked by donkeys, although I fail to see why. Some dogs have Good Ol' Boy/Girl names, and some have genuine Good Ol' Dog accessories. As one might expect, all of you are called a Good Old Boy/Girl by your most perceptive humans. All were very helpful, including one who helped a tomato perfect its sit/stay. And, to a dog, all were able to nap wherever the mood struck them. So, judging this category was significantly more difficult than I could have anticipated.
What, you thought I was going to tell you my decisions? my category opens Tuesday; stay tuned for updates...
Well done Thor you have been doing a fantastic job. What with keeping all those notes and using the calculator..... Hugs Diane
My, you've been busy. It is good to see you were allowed some time for happy snoozles to refresh the grey thinking cells.
That's right, Thor, mastiffs are most skilled at keeping secrets. Hehehe. It sure has been nice to have another full sized doggie to hand out with (even if you did kind of crowd the beds).
Keep up the good work Thor -- looking forward to the pick of the - are they litters still at the Good Old Boy/Gal stage? Whatever...can't wait to see the winner.
Wow. It's a lot of work being a judge. I hope you're getting extra treats to compensate for all of that effort!
You are so organized, but that's probably from being in the schoolroom so often. Good job, Thor.
Thor, it looks like you're stressing out... poor boy!
well done thor ^^
we cant wait :D
El'bow & Hauwii
Thor - You are a great judge. Look at the work and thought you've put into judging. I'm sure Mango is thrilled to have you. g
What a wonderful, great superb judge. Do you take bribes?
Benny & Lily
Thor, I know you will be a wise, incorruptible judge!
It is a pity that you do not judge me, because I am a cracker dog.
Must I say now "Your Reverend"?
with a big bow: Mischka
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