Garden Tuesday: Snow
It was still 35 degrees at 2AM, but by 7AM, the temperature had dropped to 29. A dusting of snow had fallen, and the high school had a 2 hour delay.
Meanwhile, in Thor's yard, a fresh dusting of snow lays atop the branches. And Thor sleeps inside. Smart boy, that one.
No doubt about it, Thor is smart :) Diane
I looked at your area on the Wunderground webcams and it looks like you guys don't need much more snow - but it looks pretty lying on the tree branches.
I'm pretty tired of garden Tuesday - snow, how about you?
Poor Thor. I hope the snow stops/melts soon. Phil said it would...
Snowy days are so beautiful but I am with Thor... inside is much warmer and cozier.
In regards to the bread, roasting garlic really mellows out the flavor of garlic so the whole head wasn't overpowering in the bread.
We had about 3 or 4 inches on the ground this morning....
Ummm - why were you up at 2 am? That's all I've got today! g
And where else WOULD you sleep? We had snow and wind last night so we were sleeping on top of Mom. :-)
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
It's getting cold here too and we're expecting more snow. We're all curled up near the fire waiting for dinner to be served.
Morgan, Tsar and the Porties
The husband ha to go pull the school bus out of a rut in the road this morning.....they should have delayed things here too.
Thor's got the right idea !
A dusting always looks so pretty on the trees but here, too, we're about ready for winter to be over. They're calling for above zero on Saturday so maybe the snow piles will go down a bit - Let's hope.
That's the right idea, Thor - snoozle where it is warm. Zebby sends melodic snoring your way to aid your very important sleeping.
The Babies say hi from their heating pad.
Hi Marjie I hope you are all staying cosy and out of the snow - fingers crossed we seem to have escaped it since the New Year. Thanks so much for stopping by Dolliedaydream last week and sharing in my excitement! I have thought of you and your 9 kids a lot over the past few weeks - fancy squeezing another one out for me please?! I am currently in the process of learning how to ask for a ceasarian in French lol! Have a lovely week - Kitty xxx
ha! Ha! Thor - you are just like me - you sleep in the funniest positions. My humans always say that I can't be comfortable with my legs all twisted around like that but I am! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
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