Shortly after the New Year, I received a most exciting invitation: to be a judge at Mango Minster. I was honored to be selected to be part of such a wonderful event as Mango Minster. So, before I begin, let me thank Mango and his gracious scribe, the lovely and talented Mango Momma, for allowing me to participate in Mango Minster 2011.
I was chosen to judge the Good Old Boys/Gals category. Since there's no better Good Ol' Dog than a Mastiff, this was a perfect fit. And I found many wonderful contestants. There were dogs who are in service to others, dogs with farm animals, rabbits, and cats, and one Good Ol' Gal who is disliked by donkeys, although I fail to see why. Some dogs have Good Ol' Boy/Girl names, and some have genuine Good Ol' Dog accessories. As one might expect, all of you are called a Good Old Bor/Girl by your most perceptive humans. All were very helpful, including one who helped a tomato perfect its sit/stay. And, to a dog, all were able to nap wherever the mood struck them. So, judging this category was significantly more difficult than I could have anticipated.
Without further ado, I would like to introduce the winners in the Good Old Boy/Girl Category of Mango Minster 2011
Honorable Mention:
Charlie and Emma, whose most excellent skillset included fabulous sleeping skills, and having both a rabbit and a horse. Beyond the keeping of such animals, Charlie and Emma are a Good Old Boy AND a Good Old Girl in one entry! Excellent work, you two.
Honorable Mention also goes to El'bow. The English Mastiff is the epitome of Good Old Boy, and El'bow is a perfect Mastiff, even tolerating well (and appearing to love) his Bad Boy brother, Hauwii. I am delighted to acknowledge El'bow's entry, and happy to proclaim him a Good Old Boy Extraordinaire.
Third Place goes to Guinness, a Wolfhound from Novia Scotia. Not only does Guinness have his own personal farm animals, he shares a name with a most excellent beer, and he has a blind adopted sister, who he has helped to adapt to their world and he takes excellent care of her. Guinness, you are a Good Old Boy worthy of high praise, indeed.

Our Second Place Award goes to Sarge. Merely scanning Sarge's pictures confirms that he is the classic Good Ol' Boy who has a genuine Redneck truck, goes huntin', fishin', and campin', and sleeps wherever the need arises. Sarge is such a Good Ol' Boy that Jed and Abby (our esteemed Guardian of Judicial Ethics) from Merry Land have offered Sarge honorary Southern residency.
And now, the moment you've been waiting for:
First Place Good Ol' Boy in Mango Minster 2011:
Rudy. Rudy is a Labradude, which guarantees that he's a good ol' boy from the start. However, instead of being all hopping around, excited, high life Good Old Dog, Rudy is in training to be a Seeing Eye Dog, volunteering to spend his life being a calm, helpful Good Old Boy forever. Rudy, my boy, my hat is off to you for planning such a noble life.
I am truly sorry that I have been unable to acknowledge all of the fine contestants by name here in the Good Ol' Dog category at Mango Minster 2011. Just because I didn't post any comments on any of your blogs does not mean I didn't visit each and every one of you many times; I simply didn't want to appear partial to any of you. I have enjoyed getting to know all of you, and am proud to consider you a fellow Good Old Dog (even if you're still a youngster).
And now, I yield the floor to the next judge...
Good job judge.
They are all winners in my book!
Great job, Judge Thor! I bet it was tough making your choices...
You did an amazing job. Take a rest.
we still luffs you thor and that's the bestest thing about mangominster it's the play'n and meeting new furry friends that makes it special - loves and licks xxx
What a bunch of cuties!
Well done Thor you did a good job. Diane
You're so much nicer than Simon.
Job well done Thor!
Awesome, congratulations to all the winners. Lily wants to be in at least 5th place please. BOL
Benny & Lily
I didn't let my dogs compete, because they are very sore losers. And I didn't have the heart to tell them they wouldn't make the cut.
you did a super duper job THOR !!!
El'bow & Hauwii
An excellent, thoughtful job of judging, Judge Thor. Abby is full of praise for your judicial ethics and skills.
Jed & Abby
So many adorable puppies! This must have been so much fun to judge!
Congrats to all the winners!!! Put a feather in your cap, Thor, you did GREAT!!! Give mom a nudge too, I bet she was a huge help...
You two sure look handsome. Good job with the judging, Thor. it must have been a tough decision.
Morgan, Tsar and the Porties
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