Wipe Your Paws!
It's been bitter cold here for about 2 weeks; we've not reached 25 degrees in that time. On Monday morning, I noted with alarm that when Thor went out, one of his back legs hit ice from his water bucket, and started to go out from under him. We immediately called Jeffrey at work, and told him to go get Thor a door mat, so this wouldn't happen again.
Isn't it great?
And here's how Thor is spending this balmy 17 degree morning: hibernating!
Happy Thorsday, everyone!
that mat is super neat!!
Zeus wants to hibernate with Thor!
Cute mat! Happy Thorsday
That is a great mat! Like it a lot. Thorbaby seems to be handling the bitter temps okay otherwise, no? (I wouldn't be).
That's right! My good buddy Thor can't afford to be all slipping and sliding around. What good humans you have. Watch out Thor! No more ice walking. And why is it so cold at your house anyway?
Oh Thor! Please be careful. Mat is cute, but I love how you cross your paws! g
wow that is so cold, I have to make you jealous and tell you it is almost 70 her everyday! Love the mat.
Thor rules! And I love the quick and decisive action you took to avert a disaster.
We`have a "wipe your paws" door mat - Zebby Cat refuses to walk on it!
You sure take good care of this feller and your rolls below look outstanding - as always
That's a perfect mat for the big guy. I like how he's relaxing with his paws crossed , staying warm and dry.
Thor is deserving of nothing but the best. The mat is top notch. Love how he is relaxing in the warm.
That mat is great and I just love he picture of Thor in hibernation. Diane
Poor Thor... his new mat is cute. I would be hibernating inside too!
Great mat, Thor! And love that picture of you looking so debonair with your paws crossed! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Poor Thor! I love his mat!
Thor has the right idea...! Staying comfy on the inside while it's so cold on the outside!
Pretty smart if you ask me!
Phew! I'm glad our favorite big guy is comfy. We used to have a mat like that, but the snow last year ruined it... Time for another?
Thor, buddy, you can sing with us anytime. We can use a nice deep voice like yours. Mom is planning to write some more songs for us soon.
Tsar, Fudge and Noah, too
Great mat. And now to teach him to read!
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