So, there they were, unloading trees the first week of December, and getting ready to plant away!
Some fool actually stopped beside the landscaper, and informed him that he can't plant at this time of the year! Really? First off, pal, you don't even live in this neighborhood. Second, it's not your money. Last, I believe the guy who's paid to know what he's doing, especially since these plants come with a warranty.
Jeffrey was complaining bitterly last night, because it was 12 degrees at 7PM; he was moving to Cuba for the weather, and figured the $20 in his pocket would last him a month. I pointed out that come summer, he'll be dead of sun poisining. So, it's a good thing these trees got planted last week!
Happy Tuesday, everyone! Hope your Christmas planning (or preparation) is coming along well!
Tree planting in December, eh? Nice!
Quite lovely.
Sissy is even requesting winter wear these days. Gretchen might need a coat to go over her sweater tomorrow morning.
Wait! We're suppose to be planning and preparing? I'm cancelling Christmas this year.
Your trees look lovely and with you on believing the paid guy. No reputable landscaper would plant trees knowing they wouldn't make it - even if they have a warranty (or maybe that's especially since?).
Happy Holidays! g
I love those self-proclaimed experts.
Looks great; stay warm.
Those are the kind of trees we want to put up on our back property line! If you can plant in December, I'm sure we could too!
We're into trees and we like your new ones. We usually plant trees in late October thru November. It gives them a chance to rest before they start growing in the spring.
Love your header Thor looks so pleased with himself. If you are paying for a landscaper I would guess he know what he is up to!!! Diane
Of course you can't plant HERE in December because the grounds frozen solid but if it wasn't it would be as great a time as any........sure beats planting in the hear.
I'm still stuck on waffle week and drooling.
Brrr. Tree planting in December would be no fun but I bet the trees look great.
December hard work in the cold, July nice shade in the heat...
Actually my inlaws are in ( on?) Cuba right now, enjoying the sun and smoking cigars ( or not..)
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