Naturally, Thor and I had to stuff people into the sleigh for pictures. Aren't we festive?
(I am rather offended that the sign at the Christmas Tree Farm says "Happy Holidays". Am I nuts?)
Merry Christmas to all of you, my invisible friends. I wish you much love and happiness through the season, and here's hoping for a better 2011!
I've adopted "Happy Holidays" because we have friends who celebrate Christmas, Kwanza, Chanukah, Winter Solstice and other things. Since I don't really feel it's any of my business to inquire what they choose to celebrate, I find HH is inclusive to all. I don't feel offended if someone wishes me a happy whatever even if I don't celebrate it, but I prefer to just simplify my life by wishing Happy Holidays.
A one horse open sleigh looks like fun to me! Seating for two, with blankets....ahhh....And yes, a Christmas Tree farm should seriously have no problem with Merry Christmas!
I'm thinking you should take that sleigh home and hitch Thor up to it - I'd bet he could pull it with just one passenger. :-) Hope you guys have a great Christmas.
No, not nuts at all. Our Western Civilization is definitely under attack, as a matter of fact, I say it has already lost to non-Christian forces. Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas, Winter Vacation instead of Christmas Vacation in schools, CE instead of AD in school books ... but many school districts make special accommodations for moslem students regarding PE and the month of Ramadan. I am offended, and every Christian should be too and should be brave enough and believe in our Savior, in our culture and our Greek/Roman heritage enough to be vocal about it.
Thank goodness Thor was spared the indignity of getting in the sleigh. What a patient chap. Merry Christmas. There, I said it.
I have no real objection to "Happy Holidays", but when Christ IS the reason for the season, I prefer calling it what it truly is - to me, anyway.
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and all the joys and Peace of the season...
Merry Christmas Marjie!!!
Merry Christmas Marjie!
Very nice picture!
I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
Darling Thor looks as if he hopes he doesn't get hitched to the front of the sleigh.
Like you I'll be in the kitchen a fair bit over the next few days - I'll be very happily cooking to feed my Folks
Wishing your dear self and all your lovely family a happy, safe and joyeous time this Christmas,
Michelle xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thor looks almost big enough to pull that sleigh!!! Love the hat on the dear big guy. You have a great Christmas... looking at your menu I know it will be a delicious one!!!!
I would love that sleigh and a pony to go with it! Maybe that would be the answer for driving around at the moment:) Have a great weekend. Best wishes Nigel & Diane
Merry Christmas to YOU and Yours Marjie!
There, I said it and it felt sooooo GOOD!!!
You look lovely. I often say Happy Holidays because it's safe - but really? I adore a good Merry Christmas!
Hope the holidays are filled with peace, joy, laughter, friends and fun. g
This is the right sledge for Thor! *lol*
Mischka pulls small sledges with small children.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year
Mischka and violett
Merry Christmas Marjie, to you and your family !
Um, yeah, you'd think Merry Christmas would be pretty safe at the 'Christmas' Tree place, wouldn't you ? It's a shame that in order to accommodate other beliefs and religions, we've been forced to deny christianity altogether. It shouldn't have to be all or nothing.
Merry Christmas to you and your house, my friend!
Be safe, be well, and be happy!
Merry Christmas! (To your question -- I'm happy whenever anyone wishes me well. So Christmas, Holiday, either is fine.)
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays doesn't offend me, I'm all for happy holidays beats the heck our of unhappy holidays.
Wishing you and your family the best very for Christmas. May the New Year being you Love, Hope, Peace and good Health.
I baked a Polish Honey Cake, German Coffee Cake and a Potato Bread. Marjie, would you have a recipe for Potato Bread as my bread did not turn out very well. Very much appreciated.
Kind regards
Sabina (From Australia) xx
(I am on your following your blog list under Sabina Elzbieta)
Marjie, I thought you might be interested in joining a bread Forum called "The Fresh Loaf". I have only joined recently, people there are very friendly and from all over the world. People with the same passion for Baking. I believe it is an American based Forum.
Sabina (From Australia) xx
The sleigh is beautiful and romantic, but since I'm a rather practical gal, my feet and face are cold just looking at it.
I hope you're enjoying the Christmas season.
Cool sleigh... great photo!
I would think you could harness Thor up to that sleigh and go for a ride!
NO, by golly you aren't crazy Margie! I refuse to say ANYTHING other than Merry Christmas! I too have people who celebrate other Holidays, and I am happy to say to them Happy Kwanza, Happy Chanukah, etc...but I also want "MY HERITAGE" to be counted JUST as importantly! The problem we have NOW is due to the majority, (Christians) trying to keep "Peace" with a minority. For FAR too long, we have been standing silently by and accepting whatever the OTHER religions complain discriminate against their religions. We are being STRIPPED of our religious freedoms, via our OWN AMERICAN Government!!
The few who take "OFFENSE" to our declaration that Christ's Birthday be celebrated as CHRISTmas, have been GIVEN the POWER to enforce their will, all because of Christains remaining "SILENT".
If that is a little too blunt and to the point for some, then oh well. I am an AMERICAN, born into a country FOUNDED on Christain principles, and I for one intend to lift my voice to say, NO!! I WON'T compromise! I'll respect the religions of others, and wish them the happiest of "whatever it is they are celebrating", but I WILL NOT say Happy Holidays and leave out the TRUE reason for the CHRISTMAS season!
Oh, and for the record, the word "HOLIDAY" is derived from HOLY DAY!!! I intend to keep Praising HIM, and lifting HIS NAME forever; refusing to let the rocks cry out in my place!
No Hate here, just a STAND for what WE as Christians (Little Christs) believe also! If enough of us would stand our ground instead of allowing our religious freedoms to be taken away from us
1 by 1, while we silently stand by and say nothing; they wouldn't be TAKEN AWAY!!
To those who vow to be Politically Correct, I say, "take a look back in the history books!" I'm sure they will see once and for all, who was worshipped FIRST in AMERICA, and who will CONTINUE to be worshipped forevermore!!!! Our predecessors gave ALL...their very LIVES to give us the FREEDOMS we enjoy, and our rights we are giving up little by little. What would they say to us if they could??? To ALL of them it cost SOME, and for SOME of them, it cost ALL!!! They shed their innocent blood so that you and I could live free in the greatest country anywhere on earth!
Peace to all, ESPECIALLY the CHRISTAINS who dare to take a stand for Christ!!
Blessings to ALL!!!
NO, by golly you aren't crazy Margie! I refuse to say ANYTHING other than Merry Christmas! I too have people who celebrate other Holidays, and I am happy to say to them Happy Kwanza, Happy Chanukah, etc...but I also want "MY HERITAGE" to be counted JUST as importantly! The problem we have NOW is due to the majority, (Christians) trying to keep "Peace" with a minority. For FAR too long, we have been standing silently by and accepting whatever the OTHER religions complain discriminate against their religions. We are being STRIPPED of our religious freedoms, via our OWN AMERICAN Government!!
The few who take "OFFENSE" to our declaration that Christ's Birthday be celebrated as CHRISTmas, have been GIVEN the POWER to enforce their will, all because of Christains remaining "SILENT".
If that is a little too blunt and to the point for some, then oh well. I am an AMERICAN, born into a country FOUNDED on Christain principles, and I for one intend to lift my voice to say, NO!! I WON'T compromise! I'll respect the religions of others, and wish them the happiest of "whatever it is they are celebrating", but I WILL NOT say Happy Holidays and leave out the TRUE reason for the CHRISTMAS season!
Oh, and for the record, the word "HOLIDAY" is derived from HOLY DAY!!! I intend to keep Praising HIM, and lifting HIS NAME forever; refusing to let the rocks cry out in my place!
No Hate here, just a STAND for what WE as Christians (Little Christs) believe also! If enough of us would stand our ground instead of allowing our religious freedoms to be taken away from us
1 by 1, while we silently stand by and say nothing; they wouldn't be TAKEN AWAY!!
To those who vow to be Politically Correct, I say, "take a look back in the history books!" I'm sure they will see once and for all, who was worshipped FIRST in AMERICA, and who will CONTINUE to be worshipped forevermore!!!! Our predecessors gave ALL...their very LIVES to give us the FREEDOMS we enjoy, and our rights we are giving up little by little. What would they say to us if they could??? To ALL of them it cost SOME, and for SOME of them, it cost ALL!!! They shed their innocent blood so that you and I could live free in the greatest country anywhere on earth!
Peace to all, ESPECIALLY the CHRISTAINS who dare to take a stand for Christ!!
Blessings to ALL!!!
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