On Saturday, Thor took his people shopping for their Christmas tree. The tree farm is one of the few intelligent, dog friendly stores around. Hmph. Why would anyone not want Thor to come to their store, anyway? It's one of life's great mysteries.
The first order of business was to get his harness on. It must have shrunk in the wash. Or else people are sabotaging Thor's "pudgy puppy" diet. I won't speculate as to which it might be. (Notice my daughter wearing floral tights and little black flats to go to the farm. Sniff. I am so proud.)

There were some interesting smells to be found, and a lot of pee-mail to be left.

Time to scope out the Christmas trees in the barn, then off to see the ones outside. The boys were successful in not letting Thor "mark" any Christmas trees.

After enough romping, Thor sat down beside his littlest boy to wait for someone to pay for the tree.

Then, back to the Suburban to ride home with the tree! I do have to confess that the usual b***hing, moaning and wailing about everyone getting into the Suburban, instead of taking 2 or 3 cars, did occur, but I held my ground, announcing, "You're all getting into the Suburban, dammit, and you're all going to be merry if it kills me!" Can you tell we've held this debate before?
Thorsday on Tuesday? I like the way you rush the week... hee hee
And just how tall is that tree, Miss Marjie? It looks like it must be quite tall, judging from the fella standing beside it (and Thor, of course)...
Why do they hate the Suburban? And Thor marking at the tree farm reminds me of the cartoon where the dog says to the cat - look who else is getting an indoor toilet for the holidays!!
I'm sure Thor is much, much better behaved than that! g
Well, were they merry?
I'm glad Thor got that group organized and supervised the selection of a tree. Now he just needs to make them trim it.
Be filled with joy or else! Hehehe. I hope the tree went on the roof. Hey, about that harness... same thing happens to momma's jeans. She must have washed them about 5000 times recently because she just went out and bought all bigger sizes. Ruh roh.
Bet Thor picked the best tree :) Diane
I love it, including your edict on riding together.
Oh - and I'm SURE Thor's harness shrunk. The straps look narrower than I remember... yeah. That's it. ;)
Every day can be Thor's day as far as I'm concerned. And I like your firm approach to merriment.
Notshy and Kitsie send pmail from here......Merry Christmas Thor!
You scared me...I thought I was off on my days!!! Thor you are just too cute!
What family outing doesn't include a little grumbling. I bet decorating the tree made everyone happy.
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