There are probably (maybe) 3 of you who've wondered what my sewing machines have been doing this summer. Well, It's actually been a sort of productive summer, although my posting wouldn't indicate such. In April, there was the green Daisy Lace Dress and a sundress from the same fabric. Then came the yellow gauze Claire Dress and a yellow gauze sundress. Following that was a white eyelet Daisy Lace dress and two different white eyelet sundresses. From there, I lusted after red. The red silk chiffon dressing gown and dress, and then...
A red sun dress (princess seamed):

A red long sleeved top (textured knit):

Red short sleeved top with fluffy sleeves (same textured knit):

Red Paisley silk chiffon Claire Dress (which I've never worn, because I haven't found a belt I like for it):

Red paisley silk chiffon sun dress (chiffon hangs so funny, maybe I should have taken these pictures flat):

Red paisley silk chiffon skirt (unlined, with beige satin slip under):

Then came the greens. You all saw the camoflage dress in July. Then came the kelly greens: A camisole:

Short sleeved top:

Princess seamed sun dress:

Short sleeved dress (not yet worn: I'd sort of forgotten it until I took these pictures):

And the hunter greens: A camisole:

And an A-line sun dress:

Then on to the pinks: A dusty rose a-line sundress:

A dusty rose short sleeved top:

A dusty rose long sleeved princess seamed dress (waiting for autumn):

And the hot pinks: A hot pink ballet top (copied from a top I bought in 1988, and loved, that shrunk too much for me to wear after a while; I've made about 6):

A hot pink long sleeved top:

A hot pink princess seamed sun dress (this one has seen a lot of wear in the last 6 weeks, since it came out of the machine; I love this color):

I'm in the middle of a light pink daisy lace dress, but have been stalled about 3 weeks. Maybe next weekend I'll get it done. Then I think maybe I'll make a couple of pink velour princess seamed dresses, before changing my serger's thread color. Yes, the evil serger threading keeps me sewing in color families. I'm thinking of moving to blue after the pink, maybe even avoiding the velour for the time (why tink of cold weather yet?), and maybe even making a long sleeved dress in the camoflage material, with some yellow accents. Sadly, another summer fades before me. School begins for the little boys on Wednesday, as it does for some of your children, too (and I know that some of you have already sent your kids back or begun teaching again). Hope you've all had a nice Labor Day weekend. Back to the real world tomorrow!
Your sewing machine must be smoking from all that stitching. I have a big urge to sew lately, so I'm going to get my machine out and put it to work. I don't expect to accomplish as much as you have , but I need to at least start.
WOW ~ you clearly have been busy.
These would all have been great garments to wear in the very hot weather we have had this summer.
Love the colors!
I cannot believe you prefaced productive with 'sort of' ! Wow, what great pieces !
Funny how serger re-threading controls that tiny bit of our sewing, isn't it ? LOL
Wow! You HAVE been busy! I love 'em all, and they all look great on you!
You did sew up lots of things. Very nice items and fit.
The sundress is stunning, and an inspiration to run an extra two miles today.
Cute, cute, cute! You are so talented Marjie.
I don't have a quarter of this many clothes! I can hardly wait until my reno is done and I will have a sewing room. Maybe I'll have a few more clothes!
I've been stalled on fitting. Darn you and your productive ways! Love it - especially the hot pink sundress. Fabulous - if I send you my fabric and patterns, will you sew for me next? g
Looks like you've been really busy.
Gorgeous, rich colours and they are all a wonderful cut. I really like the red and pick tops.
Best wishes to Mark and Ryan as they start the school year, especially for Ryan as he starts High School. Huggles from me and the usual sbores from Zebby, xxx
Gorgeous! LOVE all the red!
NOW I know what's caused our hot summer! You and your smokin' sewing machine. Wow. Love all the colors!
You are one gorgeous productive lady! I love the paisley!
love love love it!!!
El'bow & Hauwii
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