Nine years ago, it was a sunny Tuesday morning. Nine years ago, I slept in until 11AM, because I'd been up until 4AM the previous night. When I got up to take Ryan to Kindergarten, my radio had no music blaring, just a radio personality announcing that Penn State had not been evacuated, and all flights were grounded.
I turned on the TV, to a horrifying sight.
We had been attacked. The Twin Towers were gone. The Pentagon had been hit. A flight was downed in western Pennsylvania.
We would never see the world the same way again. We've never felt the same sense of security and serenity.
This year, the memories have been politicized by the Quran burning idiot in Florida, and the mosque in NYC (Imam: It may be legal to put it there, but be sensitive. You wouldn't put a mosque at Auschwitz, and you shouldn't put one so close to Ground Zero. Don't disregard the feelings of the majority of the country).
I think many people have lost the sense of horror and outrage we all felt 9 years ago. We need to remember. Remember the 3000 innocent souls who perished that day. I will never forget.
we need to always remember that can never happen again!
I slept in that morning, too. Then a friend called to tell me to turn on the TV, we were under attack. I tuned in just in time to see the second plane hit the towers.
This year seems extra sad because of all the idiots preaching hate, just for the sake of getting their 15 minutes of fame.
I will never forget...
I had just gotten out of the shower when a friend rang and told me a plane had crashed into a building in New York. I kind of shrugged, thinking it was a small plane crash or something, but it seemed strange that it would be airing here in Australia.
But I went and turned the tv on anyway... and fell to my knees.
I will never forget that day... and I will NEVER forget!
God Bless them all, and God Bless America!
How awful to wake up to that. We will not forget and mourn the loss of so many lives.
Mango Momma
I was having breakfast at the dining room table when the radio program was interrupted. It was surreal. I didn't have a television so was watching bits on the television at the office. I had to show houses that day because my client needed to buy. I was so distracted. Even in Calgary, there was not a plane in the sky and the airport was eerily still.
I was working on my computer, listening to the news in the background. It was unbelievable.
Me neither. I was in the garden and Bev called me in just before the second tower was struck. It was an unbelievable morning.
sanne was at school when it happend!
we never forget
El'bow & Hauwii
We were at work. The Knight had gone to pick up supplies from a vendor in town on his way to a job. He found "the counter" glued to the little TV. He saw the second plane hit and called me at the shop...
Great post. I will never forget either and remain staggered by those who think we should "get over it".
I was on my honeymoon on a cruise ship... We watched the 2nd plane crash in the tower from our cabin. I will never forget that day.
I was at home... out of work at the time... and could not believe what was happening. I remember watching Good Morning America and seeing the second plane hit the towers LIVE... with Diane Sawyer in such disbelief .....
None of us will.
One of those time-stopping events where you remember everything you did and saw and said on that day.
Hope you had a good weekend!
Poignant post. Thank you.
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