I love books. As you might notice, I have a few books. The black set above is a complete set of the Harvard Classics from 1909 (over 50 volumes). The red ones on the third shelf up in the picture below are encyclopedias from 1928. They are a lot of fun.

I have books stuffed in a built in shelf in our upstairs hall, with photos in front of them.

The school/homework room has multiple book shelves.

This includes multiple sets of relatively current encyclopedias, and Jeffrey.

The playroom "just" has this set.

There are books tucked onto pretty little decorative tables...

And on the shelves at the bottom of sofa tables.

So why can't I just stay away from calling the ad in the paper offering 2000 books for sale for $250???
Where on Earth am I going to put another 250 to 300 lineal feet of book shelves?
I may have a problem. I may just be a bookaholic.
Ya think? lol! I'm addicted to books also, and I have NO room for them at all.
But 2000 books for just $250? I would be seriously tempted! Half the fun would be going through them just to discover the 'treasures' in the lot!
I used to have this same addiction ;) But having to move that many books more that 5 times finally took it's toll.
Donating the lot to the library was fun too.
But buying 2000 for $250??? I'd be sooooooo tempted. Just to read so many new stories...
I LOVE books too. I find having them around very comforting and I just love to read. I've had to let go of a lot of them due to space limitations, but I am always sure to give them to the school or library so that others can enjoy them. The library is one of my favorite places to go. I even go exploring in different libraries around my home (my card works all over the place thanks to our library network). Of course Amazon is a dangerous place for me. Hehehe.
Mango Momma
At least you have shelves!
If you weren't so far from me I'd go looking for that ad myself.
Problem, what problem ? There is simply no such thing as too many books !
I loved the peek at your bookshelves. Some of them reminded me of the ones at my parents houses (& mine now, too)...what else would you do with the extra few inches of depth but put pics in front of the books ? LOL
I'm moving into a MUCH smaller house and I have always had books,books and more books. They are packed into boxes and my husband is constantly coming to me to say, "Found more books."
That means, "Come and sort them out and save some give some away and do something with them."
I can't do it. I need a bigger house.
A girl after my own heart.
I knew we had one or two or three thousand things in common.
All I ca say is WOW! But I'm a book lover too.
Growing up with school teacher parents who were also book-aholics was great! Forget about an assignment amd it's the 11th hour? Go to the "library" in mom and dad's room. (Floor to ceiling and wall-to-wall shelves there.) Get stuck for research material? Check out the downstairs bookshelves. Want a little light reading material? ...You get the idea.
You are not alone. Culling the books, however, is a monumental problem sometimes. :)
Margie we may not have as many as you as I cut back when we left S.Africa, but we still have a huge amount. Mostly they are still in the UK but I am moving them over slowly. Now we have had to buy two more bookcases, and as we could not find the right size here in France we have bought them in the UK. Now it means bringing them over here as well. The more I bring over, the more it seems ends up still in the UK:-( Diane
Dear Marjie - books are essential for a happy, contented life. I always feeling odd when I visit a house without books - it just isn't a home.
Well - you guys are well read if you just read a small portion of them. I understand the book addiction.
I'm really glad the Knight is out of the office. He's QUITE sure I have a book problem, and I'm quite sure I don't.
I love books too but I just check them out from the library (our house is too small to store all the books I read).
If I had the room, I would totally buy 2000 books for 250 dollars!
Will you adopt me? Between the house o' books and dessert every night, you'd be the perfect mom.
From one bookaholic to another...you have my dream house!!! Most of my books are all in boxes down in the basement :-( - partly coz we're constantly moving at the moment and it's just not worth unpacking them but also coz we never seemed to live anywhere big enough for me to unpack all my books! My dream is to have a house with a library some day! :-)
Fantastic Marjie - my husband would love you - he has more books than we have space and ironically I own a small library recruitment agency in 'real life' - I will send you a Librarian! x
are we twins ? I too love books, big dogs, earl grey tea... but alas I do not have 9 kids, your cooking skills ( and enthousiasm and imagination), your amazing figure or that many shelves...
LOL you are for sure an addict, but what a wonderful thing to be addicted to!
I wish I'd seen that ad. Do you know what type of books they are?
I think you have us beat as far as books go, Marjie! I think I could be quite happy hanging out in your house ;)
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