That having been said, this is a very flavorful jam.
1 pound fresh blueberries (or thawed frozen berries)
1/2 packet pectin
1-1/2 cups sugar
3 tbsp Creme de Cassis
Lightly crush or pulse the blueberries, pour in the bread machine bucket and add the sugar. Let it sit 15 minutes for the sugar to dissolve, then sprinkle on the pectin and pour in the Creme de Cassis. Turn your bread machine to the Jam cycle, start it up, let it do its thing, and take lots of credit for being a wonderful jam maker.
The recipe didn't call for the berries to be crushed, but they are too big in the finished jam without crushing (at least, in my opinion).
And the little old lady with the books is very excited that Jeff will come start picking up those books for me on Thursday. I figure it might well take him 2 trips, because 2000 books have to weigh a lot. (She told me she had sold the art books; was that OK?) Let's hope it stops raining by Thursday!
Huh... jam in the bread machine? I've never heard of it before, but I think I'm going to have to add your brand of bread machine to my Christmas wish list!
My son can buy it for me and then just hold on to it until I get over there. Knowing him though, it would be well and truly broken in before I ever arrive! ;)
And with the books? I would be in heaven - no doubt about it!! Just think of all the potential treasures... *sigh*
I have been making grape jam with creme de violet liqueur and rose and I love it... great to add cassis to the blueberries... can't wait to try it. I think homemade jam is the best in the winter when it brings a little summer to the table.
Is anybody else getting stupid blogger 503 errors!! I've tried 3 times to comment on this post.
I am not a very good jam maker either, I never knew a bread maker had a jam setting, how interesting is that! Just so you know too, my mother is Mexican/Spanish...I have relatives in both Mexico and Spain..I know I don't look like it, its my fathers English/ Irish background...people are always surprised when I tell them I am hispanic!
Oh oh oh! I can't believe it! Finally something that momma has more practice doing than Thor mom! Yuh! She makes plum and cherry jam from the fruit from our trees and this year master made applesauce in two flavors from our apple trees. Of course, there is only so much plum jam and applesauce one can eat before one starts to wish momma would pay a bit more attention to your mom's most nommy looking recipes.
I'm not a big jelly/ jam eater, but when I do, blueberry is my first choice - yours sounds simple and delicious.
Mmm Marjie that looks delish - I think i would be sneaking little swigs of the creme de cassis though ... hic!
I have never heard of jam in a bread machine before. Huh, I have not got a bread machine so I can't even give it a try! Diane
Hi Marjie - what a great way when you have a moderate amount of fruit to cook up.
You are going to have so much fun going through all the 2000 books - wish I was there to help (although Zebby would just choose the largest and sleep on it).
Sending care and huggles to you and darling Thor.
Jam is so great and homemade is so much nicer than store-bought. But jam in a breadmaker? That's a new one!
I'll have to forward your recipe to the fellow my bread machine lives with now.
Yummy... one of Matt's racing buddies has been making jams & jellies and just gave us 2 jars to try... their Blueberry Jelly and Cinnamon Pear Jam. Can't wait!
The jam sounds awesome!
I am excited to hear all about the new books... take photos!
don't be modest! anyone who endeavors to make jam earns my respect. :)
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