I love books. As you might notice, I have a few books. The black set above is a complete set of the Harvard Classics from 1909 (over 50 volumes). The red ones on the third shelf up in the picture below are encyclopedias from 1928. They are a lot of fun.

I have books stuffed in a built in shelf in our upstairs hall, with photos in front of them.

The school/homework room has multiple book shelves.

This includes multiple sets of relatively current encyclopedias, and Jeffrey.

The playroom "just" has this set.

There are books tucked onto pretty little decorative tables...

And on the shelves at the bottom of sofa tables.

So why can't I just stay away from calling the ad in the paper offering 2000 books for sale for $250???
Where on Earth am I going to put another 250 to 300 lineal feet of book shelves?
I may have a problem. I may just be a bookaholic.