Whole Wheat French Bread
The best thing for my relatively recent (about 10 years) love for making bread is that my little guys don't realize that kids are "supposed" to love WonderBread and hate whole wheat bread. The worst thing is that I'm easily bored by making the same old thing, and have a tendency to make different breads often, even if I'm being raucously cheered toward the "same old" by my legions (ha!) of fans (or, at least, forced consumers). So, last night I said to myself, "Self," I said, "If I can make French Bread, why not Whole Wheat French Bread?" That was all it took for this to become reality. One loaf got consumed at dinner, and my dearly beloved had eaten the end pieces (well buttered, of course) before dinner because the poor man was starving to death.
1-1/2 cups water
6 tsp yeast
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 cups white flour
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp olive oil2 tbsp honey
For the bread machine, add ingredients in the order listed and let it mix. For a Kitchenaid mixer or by hand, pour the water into the bowl and add the yeast and honey; let sit for a couple of minutes. Stir in the flour and salt, and add the olive oil before the mixing is complete. Knead by machine or by hand about 10 minutes, until the douh is smooth and elastic. Let it sit in a warm place, then, on a floured board, form into 2 long loaves. Bake at 375 for 16 to 18 minutes, depending on the darkness desired for the crust. Makes 2 one pound loaves of bread.
These also made dandy cheese and tomato, or turkey, cheese and tomato (depending upon the child) sandwiches for lunch today. Sorry, but there are only pictures of the bread cut open; the three boys were impatient to get outside for their chilly, cloudy picnic. Hey, after all, what are a few clouds for a couple of boys and a dog who just want to run and eat?
Hello Marjie - so pleased to meet you over the 'blogosphere' and thank you so much for your lovely comment on my page :-) My husband's parent rescued a cross mastiff puppy last year whose name is Ozzie ... I'll have to take some photos of him next time we visit - Kitty x
Our hubby's are alike ... starving to death at dinner time and eating bread heels with butter to keep their imminent demise at bay. Funny you mentioned the wonderbread. Hubbyman was just commenting on how he craved homemade bread growing up, but his brother liked the Wonderbread and so his mom purchased it often. He said he felt like he was eating air and couldn't stand it. I think I married wisely (you too!). :-)
You are the queen of making bread. I could make a meal out of a few slices with butter and be perfectly happy.
I had a bread maker now I want another after looking over a lot of your blog.....
you are my bread-making goddess.
Oh, Now you've got me. I could seriously chomp down on this bread. Wonderful. MMMmmmmmmmm!!!
Can you come live with me and cook me bread? Please? I promise the babies won't lick your toes....
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