Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well, despite the evidence last week that Thor's a great student of phonics, this is how he spent the last testing day we had.

Yesterday, the weather guru declared a snow day, or at least, part of the day was a snow day.
The snow mixed with freezing rain at times, and none of the boys, quadruped or biped, liked that too well. The neighbors didn't stay to sled for long. Well, maybe next time.


SissySees said...

I just want to come hang out with Thor. He's such a mellow-looking guy!

Sue said...

I look forward to Thursdays so we can see pics of Thor. He's a cool guy.

Anonymous said...

I love Thor. This week we posted all about you :) g

Paula said...

I just love Thor on Thursdays! Is that his lobster with him? I think I'd prefer to play with my lobster instead of the famed green sheets! Hope the boys have better outside weather today. Wish we were there to go sledding!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Thor looks so content to be in the middle of what the boys are doing.

buffalodick said...

How many times a day does he get tripped over?

Pam said...

Thorsdays are the best. That boy just makes me smile. That's a great photo of the tree.

The Blonde Duck said...

Queen Bitty sends Thor an invitation to their birthday party, though she understands if he can't attend.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking what Buffalodick was. I'm forever asking a certain dog to excuse me:(

Anette said...

Ah, he is such a handsome gentleman! With his Lobster, bless him!

imjacobsmom said...

Ha, there's Thor with his lobster -cute! My son was praying for a snow day, but we live in a suburban area and his school is always the last to close. ~ Robyn

Ann Made Studio said...

We had lots of snow last night so a snow day today for us too :)

GoldenTracks said...

Thor is such a big sweet lug!

Jan said...

Happy Thorsday! Sounds like
you're getting the same weather as us. Brr. Stay warm and dry, Marjie

Anonymous said...

Well he looks happy.

monica said...

Thor is always adorable. Why by the way, the name Thor? Because he is a sort of scandinavian viking lookalike? Or like his namesake; one of the gods from the nordic mythology :o)

The Blonde Duck said...

Bitty thanks Thor for the thought of the kind gift. She finds it acceptable. (Arrogant chihuahua look here.)

Bunny said...

Thor is a big boy and so handsome. I would love to see baby Chole next to him!! She was scared silly when my sil took her pug outside when she was out too. She ran to me and wanted me to hold her, could you imagine what she'd do if she saw Thor!!! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Just came across your blog and I like what I see. Any blog that has a Dogs on Thursday Thursday goes into my favorites. I'm curious, what breed or breeds is Thor? Had a Great Dane named Thor, he shared our lives for eleven years, one of the best dogs I ever had.