Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tropical Fruit Muffins

Thank you all for your compliments on my new floor, and my china cabinet. Thor loves the new floor, because his feet don't slide out from under him when he's standing up, although I don't think he's thrilled that I've promised mayhem to rain upon anyone who drops food on this floor any time soon. He still sits expectantly between the boys, waiting for donations to the Hungry Dog Foundation.

My breakfast room set is a French Provincial dining room suite I bought in 1986, and they had discontinued that series. I especially love the cherry tops on the white furniture, because it's not something you see every day! My dearly beloved has become accustomed to the fact that his wife is a girly girl, and some of his furniture therefore must be girly. The things our men put up with for us!

Gaylen asked me for the recipe for yesterday's muffins, and I'm ashamed to say that I was so excited about my floor that I simply forgot to post it! These came about because I bought some Welch's dried tropical fruits. I thought they'd taste interesting, and instead they tasted like sugared stuff. So don't waste your money, unless you want really good little muffins! Again, these could be made in full sized muffin pans, but I love mini muffins, because then I can eat 2 or 3 without feeling guilty, and without gaining 10 pounds! So, stir these up in your little mixing bowl, and enjoy them without dieter's guilt!


1-3/4 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
4 tbsp powdered milk
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp baking powder
3/4 cups orange juice

1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup Welch's dried tropical fruits
1/4 cup chopped pecans

Stir everything together in a mixing bowl. Spoon into greased mini muffin pans. Optional: sprinkle sugar on top of each muffin, although they don't need it. Bake at 400F for 12 to 14 minutes, or until they are light golden and test done. Cool and glaze, if desired (I did this for the ones that lived until Friday morning). Makes 24 muffins.


imjacobsmom said...

Good, you posted the recipe. They sound simply delish! I have craisins on hand so I'm substituting and therefore they won't be tropical - but that should work....Robyn

Anonymous said...

Umm they sound good! I'd throw a bit of candied ginger in the mix too!

Anonymous said...

Now even better with the glaze! Yum, sounds summery and yummy.

test it comm said...

Those muffins look good. I like the sound of the fruit in them.

Tatersmama said...

I think craisins will be the way I go... :o)
They look yummy and I'm definitely going to make them this week!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the recipe. Hubby has been asking for muffins and quick breads lately. g

Femin Susan said...

yum yum yum .I think today my tongue will only have time to sit and water. what all delicious stuff I have seen today!simply gorgeous.

Bunny said...

These sound so good, I love the tropical fruit in it and so wil the kids!

Paula said...

My hubby would snatch these up so fast ... glazed - unglazed ... doesn't matter! I like Linda's idea to add some candied ginger, too. So what type of fruit comes in a tropical dried fruit packet? Pineapple maybe? Mango? I'm still addicted to my dried apricots. I can hear them calling to me from the fridge as I type this!

SissySees said...

Yum! I think I shall read this post to the Knight, who does NOT believe in giving in on interior decorating.

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Those muffins have me drooling! These would not last long around my house.

I made you speice cake this weekend. It;s almost all came out wonderful.

Pam said...

Oh my kids would love these. The glaze is making me drool. YUM.

Ann Made Studio said...

These look delicious!

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