Friday, January 23, 2009

Another One Bites The Dust

OK, I probably shouldn't try to be so cutesy in my titles. Last night, around 9PM, the second coat on my floor was finally dry.
I had wanted to pickle it, to keep the floor light, but since we spring for the extra money for premium grade maple, my husband thought it was light enough, and we simply varnished it instead. So the china cabinet returned to the room.

Shortly thereafter, the table followed, along with some of the chairs. Dan's putting another coat on the floor, around the two large pieces of furniture, and this weekend my room will be back together.

I made 6 dozen mini muffins to celebrate. Happy weekend, everyone!


Pam said...

Congrats! The floor looks beautiful - I love the wood you used. I am sure it will be nice to have your home back to normal.

Anette said...

Your floor looks like ours, except ours have lines and scratches. When we first laid it, we had a party shortly after, and there was dancing involved. I almost had a heart attack when I saw the floor the day after! But now we're all used to it!

Dewi said...

What a beautiful cabinet. I love hardwood floor, they look beautiful.

imjacobsmom said...

Your floors turned out beautifully! The color looks perfect. Lucky you! Mmmm! Your muffins look good, too. ~ Robyn

grace said...

i like cute titles, i like your floor--wood is beautiful!--and i like the look of those muffins. :)

Paula said...

Whoa ... that floor looks terrific! Gosh, it really gives a totally different feel to your breakfast room! I love the shade, it looks both warm and light. What does Thor think of the floor beneath his paws? Man, now I want to get my hardwood floors refinished. Most of my first floor is hardwood, including the kitchen, which is sadly "pock marked" from my high heels days. Perhaps I could borrow your son to come sand it out and refinish it for me? :-) I bet your son worked up quite the appetite working on this floor ... how many of those mini muffins are left? Did you get any?

Anonymous said...

the title is cute - don't change it. Love the floor! I also really like your china cabinet. Where's the recipe for the muffins? Or the link to the last time you made them?

I got a package yesterday. Thank you - I'll photog and blog it soon. :) g

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

The floor came out great. You sure have a handy husband and handy sons. Can you pass me a muffin? Yum!

The Blonde Duck said...

May I have a mini muffin please? I love your floor!

Anonymous said...

It looks beautiful and I love that cabinet! Muffins are the perfect celebration food!

Jan said...

Gosh, what a transformation. That floor looks fabulous.

pam said...

It's beautiful! I am so jealous!

Faye Lewis said...

What a lovely floor. Yes, my students say they appreciate me, I guess it depends on what day it is (lol).

Claire S. said...

Love the cabinet, love the floor - can I borrow your men ? ;)

Thanks for the comment about the sleeve explanation - apparently once I learn something, it stays learnt ! I impressed myself remembering this - we'll see how well the explanation was once we see G.'s sleeve.

Have a great weekend!

Claire S. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Debbie Cook said...

It's bee-you-tee-ful!! One day you'll have to take us on a virtual tour of all the girly-girl rooms.

I wish I could find the energy and time to put in our kitchen floor. Still bare concrete after 3 years. Ugh.