Snowy Thorsday
This is how much snow is in Thor's front yard. Notice that Thor's brothers shoveled the path, and there are no doggy footprints in the snow.
This is how Thor's enjoying the snow.
No more than 90 seconds outdoors, when absolutely necessary.
Happy Thorsday, everyone!
Smart dog that Thor......ninety seconds is just enough time to do what a dog has to less!
He sure knows how to enjoy the snow. Looks like you got about the same as us.
I'd like to enjoy the snow in the same way as Thor. My crazy dogs want to actually be out in the cold stuff. It was 2 degrees when I got up this morning. What's the point of living in the south if it's 2 degrees? We might as well move to Canada.
Zeus thinks Thor should learn how to snowplow! :)
I just want to pinch those jowels.
That's the way I "enjoy" snow these days too. Far away and indoors. Smart dog! But then we all already knew that.
Oh Thor! Stay warm and dry, k?
Same thing here. Even with the potty paths, Mango has decided to boycott the outdoors. I think just too much snow. Even PeeWee going cracker with toys did not entice him (usually Mango is all about whatever toy Dex has).
Mango Momma
Stay warm cutie pie!
Very bright dog is Thor, 90 minute is 90 minutes too long :) Diane
oooh thor ^^
El'bow & Hauwii
I think I'd rather be cozy and warm too Thor.
Thor's not only cute, he's smart, too!
Hi newfriend. You are one big cutie pie
Benny & Lily
I agree!
Love it. Thor is so wise! Gretchen will play in the snow, but only on her terms and only when it is no longer actively snowing.
Whoa Thor, you got so much more snow than us. Thank goodness too because at least you know how to enjoy it!!!
Judge Thor, Abby is most pleased to see the continued absence of any hint of the solicitation of bribes from your blog. Your Honor sets an example Your Honor's fellow judges would do well to emulate. With deepest respect,
Jed & Abby, L.B.E.
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