Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Food delivery

Just in case anyone wondered what it takes to feed 10 people for a month, these are my primary refrigerators, Friday afternoon, after the delivery. An under-counter refrigerator holds another 9 gallons of milk, one in the basement holds 100 pounds of flour and half a case of yeast, a chest freezer holds frozen veggies, and the upright freezer has the rest of the meat in it. Total bill for the month, excluding the milk we'll buy starting in about 10 days: $1082. And, yes, there was another case of bananas on top of the fridges.


Peter M said...

Wow...I've never seen anything like this in a household. I suppose you could have also bought a restaurant-type fridge too.

Paula said...

Wow! Thank goodness you order your food; I can't imagine how many carts you would need to hold the milk let alone all the groceries! Gosh, how long does it take to unpack your order and stock the shelves? I hope you aren't the one carrying the flour up and down the basement stairs! Of course, my crew already considers your house heaven with the huge (understatement) yard, adorable dog, tree fort, great kids, and all your home baked goodies, wait until they see this!

Marjie said...

Peter, believe it or not, restaurant type fridges were too small (laughter permitted - it's ludicrous).

Paula, if you think you will eat in this house, you will be present for the delivery and put-away. We have the boxes unpacked in time to put them back on the delivery truck. Of course, you should have heard Cass bellowing about bagging the case of "chicken carcasses" I got!