Happy All Saints Day! The boys had a great time Halloweening last night with friends; their big sister went as a teenager, of course. She's a very good girl; always willing to help out the little guys. She drove them to a friend's house about 8 miles away, managed to get lost and took 45 minutes to get there....Poor Kellie!
Mark's costume was, of course, store bought; it's hard to make a knight costume. Ryan was a druid, compliments of Mom's sewing shop. The cape was just grey fleece, with a brown cotton tunic. The beard was tricky. No one sells long white beards at Halloween, so I bought 2 white wigs, took them apart, stitched them back together with narrow white seam binding to hold them together and elastic to go around his head, and he was ready!
We don't have much fall color yet, but I was amazed by my Hydrangea. This has always been a white
flowering bush; on income tax day this year we had 10" of wet, miserable snow. It took down several 2 story high arbor vitae, and we had a tree guy come in to stand them back up, wire them in place, and fertilize them. Some of the fertilizer must have gotten close to the hydrangea, because it has changed color! I know that they are white, and become pink or blue depending upon the ph balance of the soil, but this amazed me. The flowers will dry out and hang on this bush all winter, putting a little color into an otherwise somewhat drab corner.
Your kids look great! Are those pearls on your daughter? My kind of girl. Ryan makes a great Druid; Cole was impressed with the wizard like look of his costume! And Mark The Knight looks quite dashing.
Regarding your landscaping, I'm impressed that the arborvitae survived. We lost every single one in our yard years ago. How neat that your other bush threw different color this year! Keep the fall foliage pictures coming!
3 cheers for Kellie! What a good sister.
Those costumes rock. :o)
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