Dreary Garden Tuesday
My back yard has looked like this since Sunday. I am thankful that the temperature has remained above 34F, so the precipitation doesn't turn solid and white.
I am amazed, too, that the elm trees still hold their leaves!
(The pictures were taken out my kitchen window, because it was too wet and cold to go outside.)
In Fredericton, NB it is -2C today :(
We did get some white stuff yesterday.
:D love that tree :D here in belguim, each tree is bald.
Guess we both stayed in for Garden Tuesday this week!
The elms look beautiful. At my place most stay green all year round. Oh - and its raining again here too.
Your yard is still beautiful even on dreary days.
We actually had our first dusting of snow yesterday. Really strange for us to not have had any here at this time of year!
great view from the kitchen window - must give you meditation opprtunities :o) Here in DK it's freezing. Grass and trees all white and frozen. Beautiful actually.
We have more of the same here too. The girls are wadded up in a knot, sleeping soundly. I'm getting ready to make something hot to drink, and to find my slippers...
We've had flurries this week, but the forecast for tomorrow is 'white stuff' - maybe accumulation :-(
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