It's sunny and 75 out there.

If the hurricane's coming (and they claim we'll get "at least" 3 to 6 inches of rain, up from 1 inch predicted yesterday), it'll be in and out in a hurry.
Thor's preparation for the hurricane, out on the porch, waiting:
Food preparation: Deviled eggs, sandwich rolls, soup, tuna salad. I guess this means my daughter will stay here an extra day or 2; easier to tolerate power outages here in the boonies than in downtown Philadelphia, right? Note to self: Better buy bottled water and lamp oil. Sure-fire protection against power outages.
1-2/3 cups warm water
3 tsp or 6 tsp yeast
4 cups flour
6 tbsp powdered milk
1 tbsp sugar
2 tsp salt
3 tbsp vegetable oil
Put the water in your bread machine container or mixer bowl; add the remaining ingredients in the order given, and mix according to my bread tutorial directions. When the first kneading is done, or when the dough has been beaten about 10 minutes in the mixer, shut the machine off, take the dough out, and form into 16 balls, flatten them, and put on a baking sheet to rise. Bake at 375F for about 15 minutes, until the rolls reach the desired degree of brownness. Serve while warm.
I made these rolls for Sloppy Joes last Saturday night, and another batch is mixing up as I write. I'm thinking 3 batches will carry us through the weekend, power outage or not! (Did I show you all my new bread basket blanket yet? Isn't it pretty? Ryan says it's too girly, but I point out that a bread basket is girly.)
There might be some sewing this weekend, depending upon whether I can see or not - the treadle machine works without electricity, after all! While the East coast frets over the hurricane, I hope the rest of you have a wonderful weekend!