Well, finally! The part of my trip you have all been eagerly awaiting (or at least Karin has): Vedauwoo. First, the pronunciation: "Vee-Duh-Voo". Easy, right? This is its own exit right off I-80; it's a wandering around, picnicking and rock climbing place. It's also public land, where you can just release your cattle to graze for the summer, and go collect them at the end of the season. So bear that in mind if you need a place to park your cows for a while.
This is the view from the parking lot. It's farther than it looks to those rocks just beyond the trees, and they're bigger than they look.

See? We're on the path now.

Still walking. Those are baby sage bushes there in with the snow. Remember, this was May 13. And there was plenty of snow around.

Finally, we get to the base of the rocks. The yellow is lichen of some sort, and that tree is growing out of a crack between the rocks.

Two of my climbers coming down after their first foray up the rocks.

There's another one. He was a very long way away; hooray for that zoom!

Out in a field, ready to go attack a different rock pile.

This is a more distant view of the first rock pile. You can actually walk up to behind the rock with the yellow, beside the 2 evergreens. I know, because my kids went up there to see a dog who was there waiting for his master. The master is the black speck near the top of the roundish rock in the middle of the picture. Right there: see the itty bitty black speck? I told you these rocks are bigger than they look.

There. See him now? Love that zoom. He had another dude at the bottom of the rock with his dog.

My 2 little guys, standing atop a rock, admiring the climber. NO, they are not going to take up rock climbing as long as I'm paying the bills.

Now, let's walk through the snow toward that other set of rocks.

This is how deep the snow is.

The wind always blows here. This tree is permanently bent in the direction of the wind: east

Look! They made it up the rock pile. Judicious use of the zoom again. Even when wearing ballerina flats, this dress loving girl does not climb rocks.

I thought the moon over the tree was pretty. It was about 5PM.

I know it's silly and juvenile, but the boys and I just had to have this picture. Note the sign on the outhouse. But I'd think that would be obvious!

Hope you all enjoyed Vedauwoo! There are some more on my photo blog!