Thor's Bone
Another dreary winter day. Those stooopid boys are using those stooopid books and learning things again. What's the point? And, more importantly, what's a dog to do when no one will play?
Bones. The Christmas present that will keep a guy amused for a long time.
Happy Thorsday, everyone!
hmmmm yummy!!! that so yummy-looking
did you mom make that?? because she so a wonder-cook :)
El'bow & Hauwii
Stooopid boys!
Thor, that bone looks bigger than my little Sasha (the Chihuahua)! :)
he looks soooooo cute! I love watching our Beau securing a bone between his paws, too.
As a former Saint owner, the photo of Thor tugged at my heartstrings... what a beautiful guy!!!!!
Thor is so handsome, but THOSE NAILS!!
Even our "large breed" trimmers wouldn't work on those...
Aww... love him!
The Babies are too tiny for bones, so they chew on chewsticks!
Those rawhide bones are a godsend!
He's busy.
I love animals, because it takes so little to make them happy!
He is so cute!
ah yes - a bone for Thor - 'cause he's worth it !
Yes Thor, because stoopid boys don't understand how good bones are to gnaw upon.
I LOVE Thorsday!!! I bet he's glad he doesn't have to share. More tasty than books any day!!!
Poor Thor. Those humans waste so much play time on sill things like books and tv and computers.
When you can't play, eat.
Your bone looks yummy Thor!
Enjoy it!
Happy Thorsday!
Your pal,
When the little boys can't play - find a bone. Good plan.
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