Go ahead, click on the "Dogs on Thursday" tag to the side, and see just how hard working poor Thor is! With all of these people and a huge yard to take care of, the poor guy barely has a moment's rest. Or something like that.
For the official stats, Thor is an English Mastiff. He's 8 years and 8 months old (which is as rare as 100 in people). Thor's birthday is May 5, 2001; his back is the same height as the dining room table (so he could swipe food were he not a true gentleman), and the vet says he's a tubby 240. Ahem, the vet is not so scrawny himself. Thor's parents were AKC registered, but Thor is a free spirit and prefers not to be registered, so his legal name is just THOR. He is, of course a male, and this picture proves Thor is a hard working guy.
I understand there will be reader voting available for each category, so Thor hopes you will all follow the early 20th century tradition and vote for him early and often.
Go Thor!! You deserve it :)
Yeah for Thor. I have it figured out how to vote, I think!
As far as I'm concerned, Thor wins every doggie competition. There is no other pooch as terrific as he. :-)
Thor! You are ancient! Must be all that good food at your house.
You are a true gentle-dog in every way!
You definitely will have my vote!
GO THOR!! :)
goood luck thor
we are also enter the competion :D
hauwii at the sport dog ofcours
and El'bow at the working hard dogs :D
El'bow & Hauwii
Go Thor! We're pulling for you!
Could there possibly be a better WORKING DOG photo?! Go Thor, GO!
Marjie - I can't figure out how to vote! Help please.
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