Stinkin' deer! My dentist Kevin is going to come snag a few in season, or that's the plan. I think that's a better option than the suggestion of my dearly beloved, which is that I should garden with an AK-47 to thin the herd. I think people might notice, don't you?
But my cantaloupes are doing well, as are the zucchini and summer squash. But I really wanted tomatoes!
Does this fabric look like camoflage to you?
How about now? Good.
Move over, Verizon. We're rewriting your commercials.
Cute post and dress and you!!
Camo is quite fashionable some years... not that I follow trends enough to really know!
Darn those deer!!
Hey you could wear that dress while hunting those darn deer!
Sorry about the tomatoes, but your estate looks lovely. (And if you think deer are bad, try peacocks.)
the dress is very cute and it does look a bit camo like. You can still go get tomato plants. Can you drape them with netting to keep the deer out? g
In the closeup I would have said no, but off in the distance it does in a way.
We had a time with deer and rabbits eating our plants in Maryland. We bought a bag of dried blood and put it around the plants and the animals left them alone. One warning though, the dogs liked eating the dried blood, then vomited it up. It left a nasty stain.
Plant eating animals are very disheartening - perhaps Thor could help you out with them.
dang deer - put them in the dress
What a bummer about the deer. The new dress is very cute!
You're hiding!!
LOL..... cute!
You would be popular in our deer camp!
Oh Marjie, I'm so sorry to hear about your tomatoes. How frustrating! I remember reading once to stop deer from eating your tomatoes or any other veggie for that matter, is to spray the plants with hot pepper liquid. You can dilute Tabasco or something similar or, you can make your own. I've used this remedy effectively before but thankfully, not on deer. I'm only growing one plant this year but I would be more than happy to trade you a lope for a tomato!
Cute dress and you! I was so tempted to post a picture of me next to my Mammoth Sunflower and I chickened out just thinking about how fabulous you look!!!
Thanks for sharing...
P.S. If you get a chance, drop by my blog tomorrow. I'm "showing off" a few of my flowers instead:)
Nice blog and very nice dress. keep on sharing.
Pesky darn deer - not something we face here. Your dress fabric is beautiful; you look like a wood nymph!
p.s. - any of the "camo fabric" left? Maybe you could drape any new tomato plants with it?
Crop 3 from the cives is doing well, sending care and huggles, Michelle and Zebby, xxx from M and happy face washing feelings from Z
Robiness just need the cap and a bow and arrow;)
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