Garden Tuesday: Visitor
In the crabapple tree outside my kitchen window, I have lots of birds. Most of them are brown birdies, such as sparrows or robins. There's a blue jay or 2 who spend the summer here, and we have a cardinal who winters here. But I've never seen this guy before.
Here's a closer look. Of course, I took the picture through the window, so I wouldn't spook him.
I've heard him out front, but never has he visited the crabapple. This was late last week. With our weekend's sunshine, we now have little bitty leaves on that tree!
What a beauty. I am so happy it's spring, I only wish it would stop raining.
GREAT shot, Marjie!
I'm just getting acquainted with my visitors since this is the first time I'm actually here for the changing of the seasons. It brings new meaning to the town's name, Bellefonte! (beautiful fountain:)
I did notice the Dove family setting up house again but, for some reason, they have abandoned the nest:( Our trees are getting itty bitty leaves and for the first time, I've seen all the flaming red tulips in full bloom! I luv PA!!!
I live in CA, so don't know Eastern birds, but from what I have seen in my birding magazine (Birds and Blooms) is that it may be a Pileated Woodpecker.
Hey Thor, dude! Fear not, I only read your bloggy on Thor day anyway and look forward to it. All that cooking stuff just makes me dizzy. I love seeing your big old face. May I live long and prosper just like you.
I would say that is a woodpecker. Does he make noise pecking away?
Marjie, your guest appears to be a Downy Woodpecker according to my Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds. The Pileated Woodpecker had a longer red crest on the back of the head (much like Woody the Woodpecker). Other than that they are very similar. Great photos by the way!
We hang suet next to a seed feeder just in the big oak tree just outside the window. We've had woodpeckers visit for years, but this year we're overwhelmed with them. We have five different varieties and several of each type. There's always a woodpecker to watch.
What a lovely visitor! One of my favorites. Fred and I had one that would for some reason, fly along when just the two of us walked. I don't know if the woodpecker though Fred looked like a rolling log or what...
Oh - and it's definitely a red-head pileated.
Pretty little guy!
Beautiful bird! Ever had one banging on your vinyl siding? Sounds like the house is getting shot up by gangbangers...
How did I miss this post? I checked in here yesterday a couple of time and never saw it.
Ah well, in any event, I love bird watching. I'm a total novice at being able to determine which winged beastie is which, but I do enjoy them. We have a flicker that comes around ... should see him/her in the next few weeks or so.
oh it looks like a downy woodpecker!
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