1 Turkey Breast
salt & pepper to taste
2 lemons
1/2 cup whipping cream
1/4 cup cold water
2 tbsp. cornstarch
1 tbsp. lemon juice
3 cups rice
6 cups water
6 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup whipping cream
Place the turkey in a greased roasting pan. Zest one lemon, and set aside the zest, then cut that lemon in half and squeeze the juice from it over the turkey. If your turkey is not boneless, stuff the squeezed lemon halves inside the cavity. Add 1 cup water to the bottom of the pan, and place in the oven at 325 for about 18 minutes per pound.
10 minutes before the turkey is done, put the rice, water, salt and lemon juice in a pan. Cover and cook for about 18 minutes. A minute or 2 before the rice is done, add the lemon zest and 1/2 cup whipping cream; let it sit a couple of minutes.
When the turkey is done, remove it to a serving platter, and discard the first lemon Strain any solids out of the pan drippings, and add water to equal 1 cup; heat to a boil. Cut 1/2" off each end of the second lemon, quarter those ends and put in with the pan drippings. Whisk the cold water and cornstarch together, and whisk into the boiling pan drippings. After it thickens, add 1/2 cup whipping cream, and, just before serving, whisk in the 1 tbsp lemon juice. Thinly slice the remainder of the second lemon, and arrange over turkey slices on a serving platter. Spoon a small amount of the cream sauce over the platter, and pass the rest.
I don't care much for plugging products, but a while back I bought a Pampered Chef lemon zester, and I have to say that it's the best item ever for taking the zest off lemons or oranges without any of the bitter white part of the rind. Just look how pretty these zest curls were, sitting in my serving spoon, patiently waiting to get stirred into the rice!
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Hi Marjie, You always prepare the most lovely dinners for your family. Not everyone realizes that preparing tasty meals for a family involves effort ... from sheer volume to timing to accommodating diet needs ... it's no small feat. Yet you do it day after day, and your meals are always the full meal deal ...not some rushed event. You know, we Italians believe that one of the best ways to show someone how much you love them is to feed them. How lucky your family is to have someone who loves them so much!
Meant to mention ... this looks so yummy. I've not had lemon turkey, just lemon chicken. I like the idea of flavoring the rice with lemon and cream ... kind of like a risotto of sorts. Yum!
I love lemons and use them year round! This looks erally tasty!
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