I cook, I sew, my beloved and I run our business from home. After more than 30 years of marriage, life is just about perfect. This is our corner of the world.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Garden Tuesday: Visiting Baby
Last Thursday, Mark spotted a little guy wandering around near our woods, barely able to walk yet, with his momma.
Here he was on Saturday. Can you see him better now? Oh, wait, he ran away. They sure are cute when they're little, but they wreak havoc on our yard when they grow up.
Isn't he adorable? I know they're destructive and all that, but it always gives my heart a lift to see them.
I used to have a deal with the local hairdresser's, (at home in CA) where they saved ALL their cut hair... and I came and carted it away for them. Deer HATE the smell, and all you have to do is sprinkle it around the boundaries, or where you want them to stay away from.
Soap also works - the smellier the better. Either hang small bars from the trees, or grate it and sprinkle it around. Human pee's good too... if you want the boys to do their business in your yard. ;)
My folks used to have a lot around in their garden in Zimbabwe. Yes sweet as they are they cause havoc with a garden. Diane
Sissy would be happy to come scream at them to get out of your yard...
Two kinds of deer...fawns and venison!
They sure are beautiful, I understand the havoc wreaking too. g
Yes, it's true. But there are three animals I allow to wreak havoc in my garden: Deer and peacocks and dogs, oh my.
What a cutie!!!!!!
Our fence has kept them out of the gardens, but we can still see them. It's a win-win.
Isn't he adorable? I know they're destructive and all that, but it always gives my heart a lift to see them.
I used to have a deal with the local hairdresser's, (at home in CA) where they saved ALL their cut hair... and I came and carted it away for them.
Deer HATE the smell, and all you have to do is sprinkle it around the boundaries, or where you want them to stay away from.
Soap also works - the smellier the better. Either hang small bars from the trees, or grate it and sprinkle it around.
Human pee's good too... if you want the boys to do their business in your yard. ;)
So cute!!
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