Well, this one came from a pattern Claire sent to me, McCall's M5466. I thought it was a really pretty design, so I decided my first attempt at it, to make sure the sizing was right, would be out of my 14 yard piece of yellow gauze. That way, if I muffed it all up, I'd have a chance for a re-do.
The sizing was perfect, and it was really cute, except for one small problem. The pattern was drawn with pleats on the back of the bodice, the effect of which was to cause me to look hunchbacked. Seriously, it had like 6" of extra fabric between the shoulder blades! What kind of idiot drew up that? So, Claire, if you're making view B, as I did, use the back from view A, which doesn't have back pleats. Then Bob won't tell you to stand up straight, like my dearly beloved did.
I also finished the princess seamed summer dress, and wore it today. Believe me, it was the right choice for 80 degrees and thunderstorms.
Now, I have to dream up my next project - which I'm thinking might be a red version of the Claire dress!
Such a nice shade of yellow. It is a good color for you.
A very pretty style and colour - and you have the perfect shoes to match.
Oh - gorgeous dress!! I love yellow. Wish we lived closer as I would love you to make some dresses for me! :-) (I'm one of those useless women who can't even sew a button on straight!)
You are so energetic, it amazes me that you have the time to do all this sewing. You are an inspiration. I really must get around to making up the many pieces of material I have lying around. One problem - the material is in the UK and the sewing machine and overlocker are in France:( Diane
Love the Claire dress! But I also confess to zooming in on your feet. Those shoes are darling!!
Love the yellow dresses! I'll have to look up that pattern, why in the world would they put pleats in the back? Strange. g
that colour is so summery :)
just a fantasic dress to collect mastiff-slobbber :D
El'bow & Hauwii
You are just the sewingest machine going! Very nice!
That dress screams sunshine! Love it!
Very pretty and the right color yellow for your complexion. Very summery looking.
Pretty - and you look great in yellow!
Awww... that color is perfect on you! And so are the shoes!
Okay... I'm going to admit something here, so don't give me a funny look..okay?
I am SO jealous of your bust! :}
Both are so cute!! You make it look and sound so easy... Dress patterns scare me.
They look so cool and comfortable!
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