Thor inspected Mark's pumpkin carefully to see just what this thing was.
Then he pretended to snooze through the fun going on around him.
Just look at that piece Mark took out of his pumpkin! This may warrant further inspection....
And more inspection....
And yet more inspection....
Here's a closer look, in case you didn't see exactly what's going on here.

Happy Thorsday, everyone!
Thor the Mastiff, Pumpkin Inspector
With our seasons being opposite, pumpkin times and ripeness differs.
Will join Thor on the Pumpkin inspections...
Halloween looks are fine, but veggie taste when cooked is far better.
Unless you are Zebbycat's "hello darling Thor and those humans you live with"
Super Duper Halloween celebrations that you like ........
Yippee !!!!!!
With a second look - Thor is right, what ever your youngest two blokes may come up with as they carve away at their personal pumpkins, Thor will get to supervise the rest of the family voting (please, marjie and your dear, beloved husband - "blind" vote)
What ever the result from humans may be, Thor gets the casting vote.
Am I biased, or am I biased
LOL!! Got to love a dog that loves his vegetables :)
Thor just wants some pumpkin pie!!! Sophie went nutso over the smell of a pumpkin muffing this morning... :)
It's a good thing Thor is around for pumpkin quality control.
It's great to have an in-house quality control inspector!
Happy double digit Birthday to your youngest fella! Hope he has a great day!
Well, he just will try anything, LOL! So sweet that pup.
I was waiting for the mouth pic! Too funny! What a great inspector Thor is! Love the pics! Have a great halloween!
Well done with the Pumpkin inspections, Thor!
Happy Thorsday!
Thor is just trying to tell you that now that you've mastered pies, he's waiting for his pumpkin pie. ;-)
How funny! Great pictures of Thor putting his stamp of approval on the pumpkin.
Ewww! Don't pumpkins taste yucky, Thor?
Awwww.. I love it!
I wanted to buy a pumpkin this year, but here in Oz, they cost and arm and a leg... and I just couldn't justify spending almost 30 bucks. :-{
So now I know when I find those little tags that say "inspector 13"...
With Thor inspecting, you know oyu have quality pumpkins!
Did he eat it? Or just inspect with his teeth?
Very cute - I'll have to make sure and photograph what mine are up to when we carve our pumpkins tomorrow. g
Why not? Pumpkin is most yummers and good for you too.
What a cute post, Marjie. Our entire family enjoyed looking at it together, and laughing!
Thor is such a great character! Love your Thor posts :)
good on ya, Thor, just wait 'til your human makes you a nice pumpkin pie!!
Thor is so cute. LOVE that last photo. What a gentle giant!
My guys all decided that they love raw pumpkin. We only allowed little chunks because I wasn't sure how they'd recycle, but no problems.
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