I didn't sew at all during June. I decided I needed to clean out and reorganize my closets and dressers (yes, plural, because what husband wouldn't want to sacrifice closet and drawer space for his wife?).
So, on the Fourth of July weekend, I was ready to go. I had bought this pattern, and really wanted a pink dress from it.

But, being a little afraid, I first tried it in this white eyelet I bought last year. The eyelet was a great bargain, 14 yards for about $25 (and I had always wanted white eyelet dresses). Of course, I have so much left over that it can be used as a trial run for just about anything. My dearly beloved hated it. Truth be told, I am not wild about the center front seam in the skirt, which doesn't really show in this picture. But I'll probably never wear it.

Then, I had bought McCalls M6078 top pattern, and was really excited to try it. This top is actually a hunter green, but the flash washed it out. Sadly, hubby hated this, too, because the fabric is fairly heavy, so the drape of the neck isn't that pronounced.

So I made this pink and white striped cami from a pattern I first tried in April. At last, something I could wear (and could zip out in an hour).

Then I made another, from identical fabric that had a blue and white stripe. At last, I was feeling better, with two successes for the weekend in my closet.

So, back to the McCalls, with this white stretchy rayon knit. I liked it pretty well, and wore it with a red skirt, blue shoes and my blue shawl. It was 4th of July, after all! Of course, I forgot to take pictures.

Then, I cut this dress and jacket combo out of the pink windowpane fabric I'd wanted to use with Butterick B5350. I just loved the fabric too much to risk a dress I wasn't sure I loved. And I decided to make a little shrug from the same fabric. I've made this jacket in the winter, always lined.

I didn't line this one; instead, I finished the raw edges with seam binding, then stitched or blind hemmed it in place. I think this is called the "Hong Kong Finish", and that's what I'm going with, because it sounds so fancy and all. I wore this to the eye doctor's office, and garnered several compliments. That's always nice.

Although I ordered 3 yards of this fabric from Fabric Mart, I got very close to 4 yards. So there's enough pink left for another sleeveless dress. Maybe this weekend or next I'll make a princess seamed dress from a pattern I know, love, and use often for knit dresses. And at least I got something out of my weekend's work!