We'd been dating 7 weeks.
I thought he was perfect. He was 31, tall, nice looking, talkative, extremely self-confident, self employed and successful. What did he want with a cynical, cantankerous, quiet 18 year old like me?

No one was invited. The picture was taken by the minister. That was 30 years ago yesterday. He is the best thing that ever happened to me.
very impressive you are...you make family and marriage very popular and attractive....I hope you guys had a nice celebration 30 years is nothing if not amazing.
This is a true love story. (Happy sigh.)
Happy Anniversary! What an accomplishment in this day and age - you must be soulmates! ~ Robyn
Congratulations on your Anniversary!
You look absolutely beautiful !
You both look gorgeous and so happy on your wedding day!
Wow! I'm impressed over the 30 years. Of course now everyone knows how old you are :) Lovely picture - keep up the hard/but so worth it work. g
Happy Anniversary and what a beautiful story!
Happy Anniversary, a day late. That is such a beautiful story!
Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby! What a lovely bride!
Marjie! Happy 30th Anniversary!!! You both look so happy in this photo. Even though the dress was big (which gives me an eye roll -- how often is a size 5 too big?), you look radiant and your hubby looks so handsome, too. Speaking of which, oh my gosh, your boys look just like their dad! What a glorious life you two created together. I've got to say, my good friend, that you, in fact, are the best thing that ever happened to him! Cheers and best wishes for many, many more years of wedded bliss! :-)
A wonderful story, Marjie.
30 years ! No small feat these days.
Happy anniversary to you and your hubby.
That is a great story and you look beautiful. But YOU CANNOT just end the story with NO ONE WAS INVITED and...and...um...we're all nosy remember! Happy Anniversary!
Congrats on 30 years! We didn't invite anybody either:)
Awe Happy Anniversary! It's so neat to look back at wedding pictures isn't it!
A belated Happy Anniversary to you and your man. May you enjoy many more.
wow! happy anniversary. great story. I hope he has convinced you over and over again why he chose you! and you chose him! You look wonderful - then and now!
Congratulations! What an adventure you are having.
Happy Anniversary!!!
Happy Anniversary! What a great story...
Happy 30th Anniversary Margie. Gorgeous picture too! You are so blessed to to still be in love and have a wonderful close knit family.
I hope you two had a wonderful day together and congratualtions!
What a beautiful bride you were. True love is the best. Happy anniversary.
Happy anniversary! 30 years is very impressive!
Happy Anniversary !
Happy Anniversary! Glad to know that true happiness still exists! Got 20 going here, and still as happy as the day I didn't wear a size 5 gown :)
Wow! What a wonderful post. Congratulations to both of you! What a wonderful, happy story. Too bad they can't all end up this way. You both looked great, by the way. I'll bet 30 years have flown by. We will be reaching 15 years in May.
Ah Marjie this is a great story - hope you are all well and had a lovely anniversary x
Belated Happy Anniversary! My parents' love story is very similar. Mom was a little older than you, Dad just a smidge younger than your dearly beloved (maybe by 7 months!) and it was 6 weeks instead of 7 weeks.
Thank you for sharing your wedding photo. Gorgeous! Congratulations and here's wishes for many more happy years.
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