I never wrote about the sewing I did in July and August. Since it's October, and I've started sewing again, I need to record what I did, lest I forget.
This was a pink eyelet embroidered fabric. I was so short of the fabric that I used plain white for the facing. I love it anyway.

Blue gauze with gold and metallic silver embroidery on it. Great summer dress. This must be a lat night picture, because I look wiped out.

I had a little of that blue gauze left over, so I took a pattern I made based on something GMarie flagged in a magazine she sent me, cut it out of a blue voile left over from something else along about 1995, and made this fluffy little number.

Drape necked cami from a pink stretch lace. Ribbon straps - 3 per side. I like ribbons.

White linen pencil skirt. Fits well; I wore it to the dentist last week.

This is the dress that generated the remnant for the scarf I sent with the outfit to Denver. My dearly beloved exclaimed that I look like I'm going to a garden tea party, and it's very feminine.

There was enough extra fabric that I turned it into a skirt. Because it's a very light fabric, I lined it with a dark pink something - I think maybe organza? Whatever's sheer, sorta stiff and itchy. I like that it changed the color of the skirt. This one's from my favorite 6-gore pattern.

Lightweight green linen skirt from the same 6-gore pattern. Of course, mine turns out to be 7 gores, because I put the zipper in the center back, never on the side.

Summer dress from the same green linen. The dress came first, and the skirt was leftovers. I wore this in Florida, and it was a brilliant choice for hot days, despite the fact that linen wrinkles a lot.

Last up: Orange. I don't know why I bought this fabric, unless it was really cheap. I don't wear orange. I know even less why I chose to use it, unless it was because I wanted it used. It came out pretty well, and I'll wear it at least once next summer. Of course, Ryan, being a smartass, brought me a green hat to wear with it, so I'll look like a carrot. Great kid.

And so that's the old news. A dress for the relative in Denver and one for me are the news from this weekend, but I haven't quite finished them. Too bad. It's time to bake a cake.
Hope you've all had great weekends!