The snow stayed east of us, but the clouds are still with us. This sad fact makes me even more jealous of Michelle's garden in New Zealand, carefully guarded by her beloved Zebbycat, and Katie's garden in Australia, where she's complaining of having too many tomatoes! Hah! As if that's possible! I'd want tomato soup! And those dried tomatoes my friend Paula made this summer, and anything else I could think of.
I found this garden planning website, which gives information on starting a raised bed garden like mine, and suggestions for food and herbs to plant.

And Sarah from Saskatchewan wanted to know if I have a Texas Chili recipe. Well, I haven't made chili since about 1977, since my dearly beloved is not a fan. Can someone help her?
Happy Tuesday, everyone!
Thanks for the link! I'm starting to think about the garden this year too! Not sure what I want to grow beside squash and lettuce. You? g
I wish I could have a garden. We travel and camp too much in the summer so my plants always end up dead. I am craving home grown tomatoes!
I second Gaylen...thanks for the thoughts are towards spring too and trying to thoughtfully plan my garden so that I don't have crops peaking while I am in England welcoming my first grandbaby into the world!
Grow food! Send food! I'll cook it!
Cool website! I'm ready NOW for some home grown lettuce. :-)
I've been going through my seed catalogs and dreaming of garden's a ways off yet though in this neck of the woods.
I know! All the garden catalogs are pouring in. I'll have to go check that out, because I need a plant it and forget it garden.
I love looking thru nursery catalogs this time of year and dreaming of beautiful gardens. Then I come back to reality and the thought of ten dogs digging in y garden. Well, I can dream anyway.
Only one rule about a Texas chili - no beans!
I've never made Chili and I'm going to a pot luck on Friday and said I'd bring Chili? Not sure why I did that.. but now I too am looking for a Chili recipe.
That gardening site is awesome.
I currently have lots of greenary in the veg garden pots but only cos lettuce in a state to eat - and that has started to bolt.
Happy planning, Michelle xxx
I am definitely looking forward to my vegetable and herb garden planting. I have my seeds and will probleming start germinating them in a few weeks under the careful supervision in our garage.
Keeping warm thoughts for you!
Oh geez I want to do it, it's not like I don't have 89 acres of land to plant it on...ugh!
No gardens here this year. Too many home repair/remodel projects... plus all I can grow in The Woods? Rocks and Virginia Red Clay.
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