The crabapple tree outside my window is a joyous shade of pink. This picture was taken last Thursday, our last sunny day, and the tree is entirely pink flowers now.
It's been raining since Thursday night, with the exception of Saturday afternoon. So, I don't have any close pictures of the garden itself for you. I promise I'll add some if the sky stops leaking on my head.
Edited to add: It stopped raining for about 12 minutes! Here are pictures!
My Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce has begun to peek through the soil. I have some leaves as big as a fingernail.
I received the seeds I ordered yesterday, and I'll plant them with the boys if it ever stops raining in my little corner of the world. I have to say that the service from this place was good - I had the seeds a week after I ordered them - but should you order from them, do NOT pay the extra premium for UPS shipment. We don't have mail delivery in our little town, so if we get mail, we have to go to the post office to pick it up. Thus, I try to use UPS for everything. Well, I paid the premium, and they mailed the seeds anyway. I do, however, like the fact that this company seems to specialize in seeds that thrive in colder climates, and therefore grow faster; one of my tomato seed packets even claims that they'll be ready in 48 days! So, if you're looking for organic and/or heirloom seeds, I would recommend that you try Of course, I'll let you know as the summer progresses how these seeds do!
And remember the plum tree Ryan found last summer? We went out and cut back branches which had been shading it to make it healthier. Well, this is what Ryan found last Thursday, our last sunny day:
And he was pleased to note that we have new branches growing on it. It certainly is pretty.
Lastly, this visitor to our weeping cherry tree. Sadly, he's not our cardinal. I've never been able to get a picture of the cardinal, but maybe some day....
is that a ROBIN? We rescued a baby cardinal one year but alas he did not make it....
Yes, he's a robin, all fat and sassy in that tree. The picture was taken from about 60 feet away, or you know that sucker would have been out of there!
Your yard is soooo gorgeous ... like a municipal garden park. When I look at those photos, I just imagine hearing all the birds chirping and the wind whispering through the leaves. I so enjoy looking at it. How awesome that your seeds have sprouted already! Hope the Oregon like weather leaves you soon. For that matter, I hope it leaves me soon, too! :-)
Here we go again! The above msg is from me. Hmmm .... guess my daughter spent some time on the computer before leaving this morning. BUSTED! *sigh* Of course, I need to learn to check the user name before I post.
I'm so excited to see how your garden grow. It's been raining non stop here in Oregon too...I want sun.
Pretty... There's been a cute bluebird playing with Gretchen, but I never have my camera with me.
No mail...OMG. I would freak out if I had to drive to the mail...ugh. I can't wait to see the goods!
My yard still looks like Mordor...
Maybe Thor and the bird can be friends!
We're getting the same rain you're getting...we planted grass seed Saturday before last and it's coming in great. I can't wait to see your garden up close.
Thank you so much for your sweet thoughts and words.
Oh.... everything looks so green and glowing!
We're coming into winter here, but with the intense heat we had in *our* summer (117+)
everything is still dry and withered looking... even the succulents!
To have home-grown veggies again! *sigh*
Your yard is lovely. Your garden is growing along already and we haven't even thought about planting yet - well I do have blueberries, rhubarb, and artichokes. g
I can't wait to watch your vegetable garden grow!!
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