I think it must have been somewhat forward of her to take a girl who was presumably one of her nieces to a photographer's studio to have their portrait done in their bathing costumes. A historian dated this photo for us to 1908-1909, so this could not have been Grammy Nellie's daughter, thus my presumption that it was a niece.

Notice that you can actually see the curve of her well turned ankle in the cotton stockings under Nellie's bathing costume!
And now, gents, be glad that the ladies don't wear swimsuits like these to the beach any longer. And, ladies, need I say for all of us, "Thank goodness for tank tops and shorts or short skirts!"
Happy Memorial Day, everyone.
And happy drools from Thor, enjoying his new bib (or "slabber", in Flemish).
I love old photos, but Thor - as always - steals the show.
I think I read somewhere that there were a lot of drownings at that time due to the weight of the clothes when they got wet...
Hardly a wet tee shirt contest, was it?
I love old pictures BUT I am so glad that I do not have to wear old fashioned bathing costumes and stays. Diane
Interesting post... but I have to say, sometimes I think at least a little more modesty in swimwear should prevail over what passes these days. Don't mean to be a prud, but I'm just a little old fashioned (being 61 ... a baby boomer). And of coures Thor looks terrific as always!
Imagine all those clothes and no air conditioning. How hot they must have been all the time.
I think I need to make a couple bibs for Samba. She very drooly these days.
what a lovely photo. I just love old photos. But yes, I'm very glad we don't "dress" for the beach like that any longer - in most cases we undress for the beach, wearing far less than we'd even dare to wear in the dark of our own bedroom! g
Certainly a far cry from the swim clothes of today - as a dirty ole man, I prefer now.
What a cute bib for Thor! I love old photos. Sometimes wish I lived back then.
Can you tell I'm catching up on this week's reading LOL ?
I've got a couple of pics of the grands and great-grands, but nothing so 'risque' as your bathing costume pic :-)
I saw your comment on g's blog and the one you sent me - I have to admit my first thought was 'how on earth could you NOT have a zipper' - didn't you just buy like a couple of hundred of them ? what, no yellow ?
Yes, I do still have a pattern of that dress, haven't made it up yet though. Looking forward to seeing yours.
I 'always' save email addresses, just in case (well, apparently not ALWAYS - LOL). I can't figure why I don't have yours on file - duh.
Anyway, thanks for the answer, and here's mine :
lonelysecretary1 at hotmail dot com
I dunno.. at my age, I almost wish that bathing costumes like this would come back! It might be hot, but I prefer to be a little more covered up nowadays. Guess I'm with Rose on this one. ;)
I have a couple of pics of my mom in her bathing suit from the '40's... and who knew that mom was such a hottie?
And Thor? Adorable as always!
Hmmm...I'm going to have to check with Marion and see if she too was a "bathing beauty."
I agree with Channon, It's all Thor and his bib today...
Love the bib Thor! :)
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